
Vocational skill training
Tailoring and Informatics
Skill is the power to poverty eradication
A vocational skill training is the project proposed. This is intended to be located in Kabala town which is found in south western Uganda. Kabale is a densely populated area which has resulted into many children become vulnerable as a result of orphanage, poverty, child labor, and child abuse. Due to this, many children are disadvantaged since their house holds cannot afford basic needs of children. This has put the lives of many young children at risk and this poverty has resulted into an increase in high crime rate, prostitution, rape, theft, and committing suicide of young children due to frustrations, drug abuse, high chances of acquiring HIV/AIDS disease since children both girls and boys end up loitering in town and many other dangerous places.
Once this project has taken off, the beneficiaries will be vulnerable children and single mothers (guardians) who are low income earners due to lack of skills. This project will support already established projects in place in fighting poverty at house hold level which has become the core factor of vulnerability. It is estimated that this project will cost Uganda shillings 24.325.000
This project once established will play a pivotal role in the social economic development which will again be an answer to the affected people.
The proposed project will help the agency in equipping children and other school drop outs with skills which will be an answer to poverty eradication and will end child labor which has always affected vulnerable children due to lack of professional skills.
As this project starts, children who mat not be able successful in education will be equipped with skills and as a result their lost hope will be restored.
Once the project starts, children will start a six month training program and their guardians (single mothers). This will enable trainees to acquire skills alongside their academic. This will also give an opportunity to slow learners to get certain skills. Once the trainees finish, they will be able to get employment and get sweaters, and uniforms will be made from here as they sell them and get income for both the child and the project for sustainability. Every finished product, a child will be paid after selling for his/her labor hence an income generating project. After six months of training, each trainee will be provided with materials to produce 2 sets of finished products which will be sold for sustainability of the project.
It is hoped that once trainees have acquired skills in tailoring or informatics, some of the best will be absorbed into the project to train others. The project targets all disadvantaged children including school drop outs and single mothers. It is targeted to cater for about 400 trainees both children and guardians.
Budget estimates for vocational skill training as income generation at house hold level
Sewing machine |
10 |
300.000 |
3.000.000 |
Sweater machines |
3 |
450.000 |
1.350.000 |
Machines for putting holes on clothes (buttons) |
1 |
350.000 |
350.000 |
Pairs of scissors |
10 |
15.000 |
150.000 |
Computers |
2 |
1.500.000 |
3.000.000 |
Printer |
1 |
400.000 |
400.000 |
Sewing hooks |
40 |
1.500 |
60.000 |
Frames for crotchets |
20 |
10.000 |
200.000 |
Black board |
3 |
30.000 |
90.000 |
stabilizer |
4 |
90.000 |
360.000 |
Chairs/ stools |
40 |
20.000 |
800.000 |
Stand by generator |
1 |
2.000.000 |
2.000.000 |
Thread for sweater |
60 dozens |
34.000 |
2.040.000 |
Extension cable |
5 |
15.000 |
75.000 |
books |
50 dozens |
5.000 |
250.000 |
Stationary |
40 reams |
10.000 |
400.000 |
Fuel for generator |
50 liters |
3.950 |
197.500 |
Pieces of cloth |
15 roles |
123.000 |
1.845.000 |
Cutting paper |
300kgs |
600 |
180.000 |
Watch man |
1 |
120.000 x 6 months |
720.000 |
Handouts |
70 |
15.000 |
1.050.000 |
Jerricans of paint |
4 |
30.000 |
120.000 |
Instructors/trainers |
2 |
150.000x6 |
1.800.000 |
Baby lock machine |
1 |
1.500.000 |
1.500.000 |
Wiring the room |
500.000 |
Chalk |
15 boxes |
2.500 |
37.500 |
Metallic case |
3 |
60.000 |
180.000 |
labor |
1.000.000 |
1.000.000 |
Flat iron |
2 |
45.000 |
90.000 |
Ironing table |
2 |
70.000 |
140.000 |
Computer tables |
2 |
120.000 |
240.000 |
Manila papers |
200 |
1.000 |
200.000 |
24.325.000 |
This means € 7.751 (exchange rate Feb 26th 2012 is € 1,00 = 3138,46).
Follow-up of the project
March - June 2012
Child Rescue Voluntary Organization is a Nonprofit making and Nongovernmental registered organization which operate here in Kabale with the aim of restoring the lost hope of vulnerable children and their guardians at a house hold level through specifying these children and guardians with knowledge and skills. Those forced due to increased number of school drop outs as a result of poverty, CRVO has made it easy and has introduced a three months vocational skill training from March to June 2012 This is mainly intended to come about poverty
at house hold level, have skilled labour and fight child labour, empower vulnerable children and guardians in fight
against poverty , strengthen the capacity of single mothers by supporting the vulnerable children as well as
promotional of team work between the organization children and guardians and the community in fighting poverty.
GOAL: to equipe children and guardians with knowledge and skill for social economic development.
This project intends to target vulnerable children, other street children, guardians, school drop outs, and single widowed mothers among others. Once this training has been successful, it will play a pivotal role in poverty eradication since the beneficiaries will be able to start putting the acquired skills into practice.
STRATEGY: In order for this project to be successful, a focal person in the community will always indentify these most disadvantaged children who, will be trained and later be trainers of others.
Every targeted group of people will be allocated a specific day for a specific activity. This project will be under staff member who will work as a project officer. He will be responsible for ensuring that all
programmes are done accordingly. He will be required to compile a weekly report which he will submit to
the office of the Executive Director. The Executive Director will compile a report which he will submit to
Donor patterners. The success of this project will be in the hands of all stake holders who will ensure
that everything is done in a transparent manner. The project officer who is the CRVO staff will be required to report any short coming cited directly to the Executive Director.
There will be a weekly staff meeting to review the high lights in the report compiled. The participatory
approach will be used throughout the course. Guidance and counseling will be one of the activities that will be accompanying skill training. The Executive Director will prepare an Executive meeting where he will submit the progress report of vocational skill training. In order to get best trainers the vancies shall be advertised to enable free competition and an interview conducted to get the best trainers.
TU |
Guidance and counseling of vulnerable children and guardians |
To help the guardians and vulnerable children cop _up with the promotion of team work |
Vulnerable /street children , Guardians |
Man power,
Time |
Change in Behaviour and children stay with guardians. |
CRVO Staff |
WE |
Training in conflict making |
To combat poverty at house hold level. |
Single widowed parents |
Crotchets making materials |
Materials in place |
Trainers |
Training in tailoring |
To strengthen the capacity of single mothers in supporting the vulnerable children |
Single mothers |
Tape measures
Pencils /pens
Seizers etc. |
All materials in place |
Trainers |
Training in knitting and weaving |
To have skilled labbour and fight child labour. |
Vulnerable children from p5-s4.
Street children at all levels. |
Tape measures
etc |
Materials in place
Street children come at the centre |
Trainers |
Training in computer
Tailoring and knitting |
To empower vulnerable children in fight against poverty. |
School drop outs
Vulnerable children from p5-s4 |
Books ,
Tape measures
Etc |
Children present
Materials in place |
Trainers and CRVO staff. |
FACILITATION: For the success of training programme, each party is expected to play his /her part
for the noble cause.
- TRAINERS. All trainers are expected to be very serious with their training work and should always
consult the administration whenever they get a challenge. We should expect the trainers to also
have a few training equipments and some Notes whose need be above all maximum co-operation
should be a par mood.
- TRANEES: A part from the children under programme and other street children, the guardians,
and other school drop outs in the community will too benefit
- THHE ORGANIZATION: The organization is expected to recruit the best qualified trainers who are
very experienced to train our trainers and come out when they have acquired the skill the way we
The organization is also expected to Meet the costs of trainers that are the payments (salary) agreed,
it is again expected or mandated to monitor and evaluate the activities in the programme and by the end
of the stipulated period of the training the organization will design award certificates to those who have
succeeded in the training programme.
Note: That all other organization activities and programmes will run alongside this programme.
Rapport march - april 2012
CRVO as earlier noted introduced a vocational skill training as a way to equip all vulnerable children and guardians with both knowledge and skills as they may in one way or the other help in fighting poverty at house hold level. The programme still targets all the school dropouts, and some other people of low income earners in the community. This is aimed at improving the welfare of the vulnerable class which will bring about social change and social development as well.
Following the last report, we stated with 5 categories of activities and out of these only these (3) are progressing and are a doing well. The other 2 are still lacking due to some circumstances like may be people have not yet picked interest, No trainers as well as trainees, poor advertising and others.
The 3 activities which are progressing well are tailoring, knitting and crocheting. All the trainees are showing improvement in these fields. Some of our children have also improved in some of these fields, because in the last report there were no finished things but now am happy to report that we have some finished goods like sweaters ,table clothes, shirts, these have been done by both the children , other trainees, teachers and other staff members.
On the the side of equipments, only one knitting machine was received and added on the other two we have now 3 knitting machines, and produce good things
On the side of teachers, my teachers are still doing the best they can, I have not seen any problem with them apart from the other challenge I reported about one teacher otherwise they are trying their best of course with the help of other few staff members who are interested
All trainers are showing interest in whatever they are doing
As earlier reported my request in total maximum co-operation among all the concerned people. The other request is that everybody should help each other to identify every or an y a machine that gets a problem as early as possible and report to the concerned persons Such that the problem is solved with immediate effect.
Of course the overall manager should help us not to go astray and do some things contrally.
My suggestions would be:
i. To request all the trainers, trainees, our children, all staff and the Director to work hand in hand
ii. To request all staff members and our children as well as our guardians to help us in marketing some of our products out there in the communities they live in, as this will /may help us get some funds to support the organization.
My recommendation now goes to the organization and everybody who is putting in his /her effort for the good and the way to success towards this programme as this is mainly to bring about change in the lives of the vulnerable class in our communities.
One would conclude that, with everyones effort in term of time finance, advice, knowledge, skill, prayers, materials as well as good management, our programme will benefit many vulnerable people and will automatically serve its purpose.
Lastly, I wish to thank the friends from 'VLEUGELS VAN HOOP' - 'WINGS OF HOPE' who funded this project and hope that all our objectives will be met
Rapport July 2012
Children rescue voluntary organization, started a vocational training program with the help of friends from WINGS OF HOPE MEMBERS. This project started very well as a strategy of equipping the marginalized children and their care givers with a skills. Hence fighting poverty at household level. THIS PROJECT Targeted all children under CRVO, guardians and parents of the same children, single mothers some of whom are HIV positive hence with healthy problems, children from low income families who failed to continue schooling due to fees problems.
We started with children under our program and 46 children were given the first priority to train from april to 30th jue2012,then latter alone we had consultative meetings with community leaders who identified some of school dropouts and single mothers in their area, we started with 5school dropouts,10 single mothers,12 guardians and 46children who are being supported by CRVO.
According to our program we designed a two months training which started on 1st may and has ended on 30thjune 2012 for the first group. During the training the following areas were covered
introduction to computer for some especially school dropouts
knitting sewing whereby they were taught parts of the machine, how to protect the machine, and lastly how to make sweaters, scuffs with different designs.
During the training they were taught how to use tailoring machines, parts of the machine and how to service and protect the machine then how to prepare anything you want to make using this machine, cutting and shaping, they learnt how to make dresses, trousers, shorts and shirts.
As a way of equipping them with more knowledge they were taught on how to make table clothes which is made out of thread and flames hence crocheting, On top of all these guidance and counseling was a key introduction on a daily basis bearing in mind that we have been training people who are psychologically tortured. This training is enabling many people in the community to realize that they are useful raw materials and this training has built hope and confidence and has made these people begin to know that they can fight poverty by acquiring skills. This program has given opportunity to some disadvantaged people to come up and air out their problems without fear hence this has worked as a voice. more still it has made people from different places to socialize and share challenges hence promoting team work amongst the community members. This program empowered disadvantaged people and guardians, children are able to make their uniforms, children’s lost hope has gained momentum to restoration
Despite all these some challenges have been met like lack of enough machines, lack of enough space since we are in rented place, lack of enough training materials, lack of enough trainers(teachers)due to funds. we wish to salute all members of Vleugels van Hoop (wings of hope) ASSOCIATION FOR THIS SUPPORT, and thank our trainers for the great work thy have done. we hope to have phase two which will start on 10th this month and hope that those who have gained are going to be our ambassadors in fighting poverty at household level despite their lack of machines to use. We continue to pledge our total commitment to ensuring that children’s state of living keep improving throughout his highest degree of transparency in all our programs.
Soon we shall send you letters of appreciation from the trainers
Leonard for CRVO
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