Water capturing project on household level
Location: Kabale and surrounding hills
Project leadtime:6 months
Requestor: Leonard Tumwesigye for Children Rescue Voluntary Organisation
Project description:
Water is life. Safe water is an important necessity which if life is to be meaningful and health should be given the first priority in life. Kabale is a densely populated area, of which its shape of land is mainly hilly. Due to scarcity of land, most the people live in hilly areas and as a result they walk long distances in search of clean water. In most of the homes children constitute the highest number and they are the ones who walk long distances in search of water together with mother who at the same time are bread winners in families.
As a result of failing to have enough clean water for drinking, cooking, washing, many children fail to wash their bodies regularly; their clothes as well as their school uniforms are rarely washed. At times young boys and young girls who walk long distance in search of water their lives are at risk since they go for water in evenings after school and reach home late at night due to high demand. Some children have ended up being raped, defiled, and beaten by hostile elements in the community. Due to this problem some children have ended up drinking contaminated water from rivers which has become a health threat because most of such families get, diseases like malaria, dysentery and cholera due to dirty water. Majority of people at house hold levels are mothers most of whom are single mothers that jointly fetch water with children. Since lack of clean water affects families health wise, families have remained in poverty since the little income they get is spent on paying medical bills due sickness. This problem has affected children with small projects at home that need water like poultry and piggery.
The gathering of clean water to improve life quality, by placing a water tank at 60 of the 100 houses in the target group. The other 40 families will benefit also of the captured water.
This project will fight child labour, will prevent diseases, will allow children to enjoy a clean house, will allow children to always go to school and to fight poverty. This will restore the hope of the children on a positive future and the life expectations of the guardians (single parents who are hosting extra children) who are HIV positive will increase.
This project will help the community in capturing rain water which will give the families sufficient water. It will help 100 families, with at least 5 members who will directly benefit from this.
Targeted homes:
-All homes of the orphaned children under CRVO both partenal and maternal orphans.
-Homes of children whose guardians are chronically ill.
-Homes of children whose children are disabled.
-Homes of children whose guardians are aged
It will cover 60 of the 100 houses in the target Group; the families in the other 40 houses can get water from the houses foreseen from a water tank.
The total budget is 46.594.000 Uganda shillings (+/- € 14.000 (exchange rate April 13th 2013).
Maintenance of the tanks. Sustainability is estimates on at least 10 years.
Follow-up of the project
June 2013
General status:
The water harvesting tank construction on house hold level started well with mobilization of guardians and children, as well as buying and transporting materials to the sites. As of today a number of 20 tanks are complete and all materials are at sites.
Progress since last status report:
The project started well, all the beneficiaries actively participate in monitoring and carrying some materials from where the road stops. Now every week 4 tanks are completed.
Financial status:
All the funds for materials and part of labour has been spent as per attachments.
- Lack of enough water for using in construction
- Poor road
July 2013

August 2013.
General status:
The water harvesting tank project started on May 19th and is going well. The project has been running smooth. By July 9th 13 tanks completed, by July 14th 20 were done and by today, August 12th, 31 more are done.
Progress since last status report:
Since last status 21 more water harvesting tanks have been completed, bringing the total of completed tanks to 51.
Financial status:
All materials have been bought. At the moment there is 3 million shillings left. Last payment to be done is for the last instalment to the constructor as per the agreement of May 18th.
- Lack of enough water
- Getting sand from very far distance
- Water problem
- Too much sunshine. More people in need of the water project
November 2013
General status:
There has been completion of 60 water harvesting tanks that are benefiting 60 homes. Children are able to use them tapping rain water and they are all in good shape.
Progress since last status report:
Since last status report the water collecting tank project that started on May 19th 2013 has been completed and a new continuation of 40 extra tanks has started as well.
Financial status:
The construction of 60 water harvesting tanks was completed with total expense of the actual budget submitted.
- Water for using was far
- Some materials was got on long distance
- Topography of land (hilly)
Attached documents (pictures, reçu’s,…):
All the documents for the 60 tanks were submitted in the previous reports.
To see images of the construction: click here.