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Location: Bujumbura, Songa - Bururi Project lead time: 1 year Requestor: Description of the project:
The beneficiaries of this project life of agriculture. In Burundi, the agriculture system is traditional: the resources invested are not in proportion to the revenue. In addition, only limited agriculture is applied instead of twelve months to twelve.
To ensure the sustainability of the project local leaders will be appointed, who ensure continuity within the groups of solidarity for development. The experience will be shared at the end of the project. Objectives: Beneficiaries: Budget: 3.500 Euro
+ It is safe enough to organize all scheduled training Follow-up of the project february 2014General status: ALDES is an association according Burgundies’ laws who supports the poorests of the society, with main focus on countryside women en girls. Action is taken to release young and wrongly imprisoned women. This all was successful. Realised activities: 1. Identification of leader-women (partners in the project) Realisation in November 2013. Initially there were 30 women selected but seen the local needs this amount was increased to 40 (133% realisation). 2. Organising gatherings with the women as well with the administrative responsible persons This all took place in December ‘13. Target was explaining and aligning on the project. Topics were e.g. the context of the overall project, justification, objectives, activities, expected result and the role of all individuals to make it a success. 3. Purchase of materials related to the exploitation of the field All this happened in accordance with correct procedures i.e. comparing prices based on technical and financial quotations. 4. Ground works After the purchasing of the exploitation materials the ground works could start. These took place in December under supervision of the agriculture expert. The leader-women were divided into solidarity-groups. Progress since last status report: No comparison as this is the first report. Financial status: Balance: 630.000 BuFr Problems/concerns: Nothing to report. All results planned for so far are achieved. Attached documents (pictures, reçu’s,…) Follow-up may 2014.Date: May 10th 2014 General status: During the 1st trimester 4 targets were achieved:
Progress since last status report: The 2nd trimester started after the previous report. This meant 2 new activities and several visits to the site. Activity 1: planting and sowing Activity 2: weeding and ridging Visit at the site The 2nd visit was brought by Evariste Nikolakis, in the name of the Belgian association. He expressed to be very satisfied about the evolution of the project. Financial status: The current balance is 630.000 BuFr. Problems/concerns: In the region there is a shortage of cow; therefore the lack of natural fertilizers causes the ground to be non-productive which can result in a lower return of this project. To guarantee the continuity of our projects this year, we need an additional support to purchase 3 cows. The price for a cow is € 1.000. So far all results we aimed for are achieved. Attached documents (pictures, reçu’s,…): The field after the weedingVISITE ON SITE ![]() Follow-up september 2014General status: A ‘demonstrating’ potato field was planted. The yield was 3000 kg. Keeping the sustainability of this project in mind 1000 kg was reserved for the next season and 2000 kg was divided amongst the vulnerable families who participated in this project. In June the legal representative has visited the site fora n evalution and the closing of the project. Everybody was pleased with the project, which improved the social togetherness as well as the incomes for the families. Though the general finding is that the yield was not proportional with the purchased seeds. Progress since last status report: The previous report was made before the harvesting. In the meanwhile the finding is that 1000 kg seed results in 3000 kg potatoes, which is too less ! The increased incomes for the families can though not be ignored. Financial status: Balance: 0 Problems/concerns:
After this evaluation a 2nd phase has to be started with the same activities, but including fertilizing the soil, strengthening the capacities of the target groups and enlarging the quantity and quality of the seeds adjusted to the soil this time. The association ALDES will ask for a study of the soil and will search for seeds suitable for the site. Our concern is that our vision related to the improvement of the economical independency of the women on the countryside will not succeed if we’re not further supported in the search for solutions for problems which could occur during the 2nd phase. Therefore we thank you for your financial support and request to keep on supporting us. Attached documents (pictures, reçu’s,…): ImagesSeptember 2014.
Follow-up december 2014Date: December 2nd 2014 General status: On December 1st the board of Vleugels van Hoop visited the project in Songa, Burundi. Progress since last status report: The project is running very well. New plantations of potatoes planting, a better type, was done on the 2nd plot where the plot where initially harvest took place, now maïs is planted. Financial status: The funds were fully consumed as planned. Problems/concerns: There is a big shortage of fertilizers to enrich the soil. Therefore most of cows would be the best. Attached documents (pictures, reçu’s,…): Activity Report 2014
The project, multiplication of potatoes planting, financed by Vleugels van Hoop, in Songa (province of Bururi) came to an end August 2014.
The young people of Aldes evolved a strategy regarding the installation of structures (committee for the protection of the rights of the child, intervention and psycho-social support, support for guidance at home and care) in favor of the community in the intervention zone. There were visits on site organized in connection with awareness raising and training for women and young people with the theme ' how to fight aids in illiterate regions, contraceptive methods, the fight against desert formation by deforestation '. The association received the visit of ' the team of Vleugels van Hoop for the evaluation of the project "economic independency of rural women and girls", by E. Nikolakis, J. De Bock, the people of ISABU, the main responsibles of the municipality of Songa, etc.. Despite the difficulties that arose, our balance is positive. We take the opportunity to thank all who far or near have helped in realizing our objectives.Extension of the project 2015Name project: Purchase of cows for Burundi households 'KAZOZA KEZA MU MIRYANGO'. Location: Bujumbura, Songa - Bururi Duration: 1 year Applicant: NIDUHAMAHORO Floride Description of the project: ALDES is committed to the welfare of vulnerable families, especially rural women and girls. Objectives: To improve the fertility of the ground to improve the efficiency of the potato harvest. Beneficiaries:
Budget: 3500 euro (3 cows + medicines and nutrients) Risks: Attached documents:
Follow-up august 2015Date: August 7th 2015 General status: ALDES is a non-profit organisation following the Burundi’s laws. Their objective is to promote the economic and social development as well as protecting the human rights with particular focus on farmer women and girls. Progress since last status report: To guarantee the continuity of the project “Giving the farmers women in Songa more autonomy” ALDES restarted the activities in November 2014 with the same group. 1 ton of potatoes were planted and gave a yield of 4,7 tons (March 2015). 3,7 tons were divided amongst the beneficiaries; the remaining 1 ton was stored in the hangar of ALDES and will help to form a 2nd solidarity group (GDS II) in the 2nd zone of the municipality of Songa in December 2015. Vleugels van Hoop has helped ALDES in the project “Kazoza keza my miryango”. The objective here is to make the soil more fertile to increase the yield of potatoes cultivation in Songa. The obtained help was € 3.500. Activities: 1. Purchase of cows (improved breed) The funds were transferred already in April 2015. The project was only realised in July because of the crisis in Burundi. The start of the activities was to prepare the plot and to build a stable (400.000 FrBu). Also a plot of 1 hectare was purchased to plant sufficient feed for the cows (300.000 FrBu). Afterwards the association selected 2 men and 1 woman to select the cows, to negotiate and to purchase the cows. This way 2 cows (Fries breed) and a bull (Sahiwal breed) were purchased: 1.600.000 FrBu and 1.500.000 FrBU for the cows and 1.700.000 FrBu for the bull. 2. Purchase of feed and medication These cows need medication and food supplements. ALDES bought for 170.000 FrBu rice brans and cattle cake and kept 130.000 FrBu on the bank account for medication and other necessities during the first months. ALDES carries all costs for follow up and the framework (e.g. salary of the agriculture expert, who is following up all activities, the transport costs for those who are supervising, ….) Financial status: Received funds: 5.800.000 FrBu Total costs: 5.500.000 FrBu Balance: 130.000 FrBu Problems/concerns: The biggest problem in restarting the project was the natural fertilisation of the potatoes (because of the huge lack of fertilizers in the region). Despite this delay the yield was satisfying: 1 ton gave a yield of 4,7 tons, being an increase compared to the first project. The objective is not reached as the increase of autonomy of the farmer’s women is a long term process. To achieve this other trainings (both professional, economical, …) are needed besides the agriculture and cattle farming. We made progress with the support from Vleugels van Hoop for which we send our sincere gratitude. Attached documents (pictures):