Joinery atelier
Location : The project will take place in Cel Nyacyonga, Sector Jabana, District Gasabo, City Kigali, more concrete along the route Kigali-Byumba, at 8 km from the station of Nyabugogo and 200 m of the main road.
Project leadtime: 1 year
Requestor : Association Jya Mubandi mwana vzw
Description of the project :
In Rwanda disabled children are hidden in the community. Despite the school duty, disabled children often don’t have access to education neither to healthcare adapted to their needs and the needs for social integration. On top of this families can’t care themselves for the disabled children. Therefore they need help, support and a better environment.
It is important that these children get the needed support to get out their social and family isolation. Therefore individual and collective projects, adjusted to their needs and which allow them to take part of the socio-economical life in Rwanda, are important. Therefore the association "JYA MUBANDI MWANA" would like to start a project “joinery/woodworking”.
The most important objective of this project is to help these people to get out of their isolation by a social-economical activity and long term to allow them to become self-supportive in life.
This project means the start of a joinery with a double target: at one side give youngsters the
professional education and otherwise provide the provide them with an income.
Objectives :
The overall objective is to improve the life quality of youngsters with a physical and mental handicap.
Specific objectives:
- promoting the skills education and creation of jobs
- make social integration easier
- reduce the care for these youngsters by the family
Beneficiaries :
Direct :
Around 10 youngsters with a light physical and mental handicap.
In the start phase, during the first year, focus will be on skills building which could several years for some of them. After the educational phase some of them could be employed.
Indirect :
- The local population will have fast access to Furniture for their houses and will be able to rely on the project.
- All other children who are supported in the centre JYA MUBANDI MWANA as the yield will improve the offered services
- The parents for whom the supporting needs will decrease
- The staff which will get a monthly income
Budget: 7.901.250 RwFr (= +/- 10.000 Euro)
Risks :
This project provides an answer to the concerns of the surrounding population, to the disabled youngsters as beneficiaries, as well as to their parents who from now on are not standing alone anymore for the heavy task to meet the needs of their children.
Consequently, there are no negative risks; on the contrary, it means an added value for the suppliers of equipment and material. This is also valid for all other clerical staff which become wage or salary earner.
This project will also serve as an element of socio-professional reintegration and awareness toward the community.
This experience will be shared with other intermediaries operating in the domain of disability which are faced with the problem of the socio-professional integration of persons with disabilities in Rwanda.
Follow-up of the project
August 2013.
General status:
The project has started off. The purchase of the needed materials is done. Therefore a re-grouping of the handicapped youngsters is done, targeting for learning the profession.
Progress since last status report:
We notice progress. The handicapped youngsters are willing to work. That way they can better integrate with their families and the Rwandese community. They asked to thank you for your help and intervention.
Financial status:
Since the start of the project our account shows a profit of 350.000 RwFr.
- The location of the site which soon will be confiscated by the State.
- The high absenteeism of the handicapped youngsters (apprentices).
October 2013
Name project: Joinery atelier
General status:
The joinery project at Jua Mu bandi Mwana is in general in a very good state, as all beneficiary parties are motivated to offer handicapped youngster the training in woodworking.
Progress since last status report:
More than 35 handicapped youngsters are regularly following the training and are very interested, as the demand, for the objects they create, is high on the market (see pictures)
Financial status:
Since the last report and besides frequent electricity interruptions and needed maintenance, the financial status is not bad. We made a profit of 409.000 RwFr.
The state can request back the domain at any moment in time.
Some parents don’t allow their children to follow the trainings.
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