A mill for the community of the sisters from Kitabi
Location: Kitabi
Project lead time: 1 year
Requestor: Donata Kanzayire for the Sisters of Saint Francis of Assisi
Description of the project:
During the visit you could see that it would be very helpful if the sisters would have a mill to help the poorest of the region Kitabi but above all to help farmers so they can mill their wheat, it is, after all, the region of the wheat. The received fees could help maintaining the terraces.
To help the poor people but also the farmers so they can mill their wheat.
Direct : de sisters from Kitabi
Indirect : the poor people from Kitabi.
N° |
Item |
unit |
quantity |
unit cost |
total (RwFr) |
1 |
Construction of a hangar for the machines |
Clean up |
H/J |
10 |
5.000 |
50.000 |
Ground works |
H/J |
15 |
10.000 |
150.000 |
Foundation |
H/J |
10 |
5.000 |
50.000 |
Embankment |
H/J |
10 |
5.000 |
50.000 |
Roof |
H/J |
5 |
5.000 |
25.000 |
Paving |
H/J |
3 |
5.000 |
15.000 |
Door |
PC |
1 |
30.000 |
30.000 |
Cement |
PC |
30 |
11.500 |
345.000 |
Sablon |
Camion |
4 |
60.000 |
240.000 |
Debris |
Camion |
4 |
50.000 |
200.000 |
Profiles |
PC |
30 |
7.000 |
210.000 |
Nails |
Kg |
15 |
3.000 |
45.000 |
Wood |
PC |
66 |
1.500 |
99.000 |
S/Total (1) |
1.509.000 |
2 |
Machines and material |
Machine peeling |
PC |
1 |
1.500.000 |
1.500.000 |
Machine transformation |
PC |
1 |
2.000.000 |
2.000.000 |
Installation machine |
H/J |
1 |
150.000 |
150.000 |
Dynamo |
PC |
2 |
1.000.000 |
2.000.000 |
Balance |
PC |
1 |
85.000 |
85.000 |
Transport |
Camion |
1 |
200.000 |
200.000 |
Bucket |
PC |
5 |
1.000 |
5.000 |
Wheelbarrow |
PC |
2 |
50.000 |
100.000 |
Broom |
PC |
3 |
2.500 |
7.500 |
Raclette |
PC |
3 |
2.000 |
6.000 |
S/Total (2) |
6.053.500 |
3 |
Operation |
Electricity |
Dagen |
360 |
2.000 |
720.000 |
S/Total (3) |
720.000 |
Total |
8.282.500 |
Follow-up of the project
Date: December 3rd 2014
Name project: Project 53: Kitabi – Grain mill
General status:
On December 3rd the board of Vleugels van Hoop vzw visited the project in Kitabi, Rwanda.
Progress since last status report:
The grain mill is installed and officially opened by a ribbon cutting ceremony (see pictures). The mill was started and the first corn flour was produced.
Getting the mill in operational mode is a big step forward for the community of Kitabi, who expressed their gratefulness by songs, dance and word!
Financial status:
The provided funds are fully consumed as planned, as reported earlier.
Attached documents (pictures, reçu’s,…):
