January 2009
A healthy and prosperous 2009 
Follow-up project: ‘Captation of rain water in the primary school of Munyinya’
We received below letter from the local project responsible KAMUYUMBU Emerita, teacher in the primary school of Munyinya, on 22.12.2008 and are happy to translate if for you.
Dear friends of ‘Vleugels van Hoop’,
I’m very happy to contact you directly, without the help of Christine, who is in my opinion a very good connecting person.
The meaning of this letter is to inform you on the progress of the ongoing Works in the project Captation of rain water – thank you for your sponsoring in this – according our agreement of August 17th 2008.
Of course i was extremely happy with this agreement, but the necessary formalities, e.g. informing the responsible persons, didn’t allow to start the works immediately.
Eventually the works started on Dec 3rd 2008 en all is going smooth, despite the low value of our local currency. We hope to complete all works by Christmas, of course with the needed value- and exchange oscillations, but the most important is done: the 3 water tanks with taps and the gutters have been installed. I send you some pictures to that your efforts were necessary.

As you can see, the Works will still last for some days and I found it necessary to report to you as agreed in the 6th paragraph of our agreement. Of course all necessary reports will reach you within the shortest possible time.
With my sincere thanks to you, i wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year.
See you soon, big kiss,
(signed) Emerita.
Follow-up project ‘Domestic’ in ‘Twese Hamwe 2008’
Via the writing of Evariste, one of the responsible persons of this project, we were informed:
Dear ‘Vleugels van Hoop’
Once again thank you for the gift of € 1069 which we received from your organisation ‘Vleugels van Hoop’
As you know, besides the projects microcredit’s, alphabetisation, snit and sewing, green brigades and optimizing the site, ‘Twese Hamwe’ also started a professional education “Domestic economy”, sector “hotel and catering”. More than 23 youngsters followed the education.
Without the gifts this would not have been possible.
We divided your gift of € 1069 (€ 1000 after taxes) in the following way:
- Digging a channel of 70m for the pipes to bring water to the kitchen
- Placing the racks in the kitchen and below the worktables.
- Placing electricity and lamps in and outside
Costs of these works:
52700+69500+122200+98500+72500=415400 FrRw
The remaining 274.600 RwFr will be used to buy kitchen tools as agreed.
Signed: Evariste
Christmas market Sint-Martens-Latem
Cuddles, cuddles and again cuddles…That is how the stand of ‘Vleugels van Hoop’ looked like on the Christmas market in Latem on December 13th and 14th. At one side (safely) flanked by the police and at the other side a stand with coffee and onion soup within the council room of the municipality house, it couldn’t have been better with the freezing cold outside.
And, a lot of people came to have a look : daddies and mammies, grandma’s and grandpa’s, teenagers, small kids with twinkling eyes…what else do you expect, so many cuddles together! With a lot of enthusiasm we told about our organisation ‘Vleugels van Hoop’ vzw and about the aim of our selling. The profit goes to Vleugel van Hoop, the cuddles will be donated to child welfare ‘Liaan’ in Nazareth and De Pinte.
More than 40 cuddles got a name, from Wolleke to Pipo, and that way also a new home! Even small children were so nice to donate the cuddle to a child in the home.
Sunday evening, after 2 days living between the cuddles, the rest was rapped and we went home with a glorious feeling.

François, Ingrid (organizer of the ‘Cuddleweekend’) and Bernadette, president of ‘Vleugels van Hoop’ vzw.
Some days later we went with 3 full bags of cuddles to the home in Nazareth. We were warm welcomed by the responsible persons and some enthusiastic children. The bears were displayed on a couch and lots of cuddles were soon hugged by a small child. Wolleke, Bear, Pingo,…are well arrived. It felt so good to see all these child faces twinkling between the cuddles.
Sincere thanks to the municipality of Sint-Martens-Latem who offered us the chance to organize the sale, but mainly a big thank you to all who bought a cuddle and in that way made a child happy in Africa and Nazareth and De Pinte!
‘Duhigikire Amahoro I Burundi’
‘Working together on the peace in Burundi’
Activity report of the sewing work shop: October – November 2008
During the 2 months all the course participants completed their pieces of work, started in September. The teacher corrected where needed.
December 2008:
A kind of examination was introduced. The course participants each had to, by a random selection of the pieces of work they were educated on, explain from the start till the end the ‘selected’ subject, without any explanation or help of the teacher.
The pieces of work were a quota to valorise the course participants.
January 2009:
The course participants are selling their own-made pieces of work.
They will be educated in cleaning of textile and the initiation of the organisation (vzw)
Made up in MABAYI, 09-01-2009, by BARARWENDERA Josephine
Legal representative of DAB
Reports and pictures are not available at the moment, seen the very difficult mail communication with this part of the country (read border East-Congo).
But the 3 projects are started and running smooth!
Project ‘Dormitory’ ‘Stella Matutina’ in Shyorongi
- General introduction
'Stella Matutina' is a secondary school for girls, started in 1988.
The school was not active between April 1994 and October 2002.
1.2. LEGAL STATUTE: Subsidised free institute
The school started in 1988 with 84 students, only girls divided in 2 classes (technical grade).
In September 1991 the school opened a department primary education. In April ’94, there were 315 students in the 6 years of secondary technical education and the first till third year primary education.
In 1994 most of the buildings were destroyed and the equipment stolen. The African Bank for Development has honorary reconfirmed the school and fully equipped it again. The re-opening happened on October 7th 2002 with 171 students spread over 4 classes, first year public education
At this moment there are 12 classes. It is the intention to increase the amount of students in 2008 to 520, with a current limitation on 437 because of a lack of dormitories. The target is to offer girls a scientific education to allow them to complete knowledge and competences, which is not only beneficiary to their own development but also to strengthen the further development of the whole country. On top of the educational package the students are active in several areas : sportive (volleyball, basketball), cultural (ballet, theatre), social (anti-aids organisation), in the youth movement and action groups (scouting, red cross, chorus). The students are guided by a team of 5 administrative co-workers, 18 teachers and 13 persons in the supportive staff.
Construction and equipment of dormitories for 200 students.
Secundary school 'Stella Matutina' : North Province, District Rulindo, Sector Shyorongi, cell Bugaragara. Near the road Kigali-Ruhengeri at 18 km of the centre of Kigaly and on 13 km of the Nyabugogo-bridge.
'Stella Matuttina', Shyorongi has serious boarding-house problems.
Beginning 1994 the executive board planned the Construction of a dormitory, which was not realized with the consequence that most students were sleeping in the classrooms, others in the parish room of Shyorongi.
At the re-construction of 2001-2003 The African Bank for Development didn’t do anything about the dormitory problem. Only in 2003 some help in this came from a German organisation.
There are boarding possibilities now for 270 students; the other girls are hosted in the new classrooms which will be used for this purpose according to the needs.
This year the students study in 12 classrooms. For the coming years there are no free classrooms anymore.
This means that in case of no extra financing for the dormitory it will be impossible to expand and that the start of the department sciences-mathematics, foreseen for 2009, eventually will not take place.
With the support of the province of Oost-Vlaanderen in 2004 a part of the fences around the school at the street side were placed, the badly damaged lodging of the teachers was repaired and 45 double-beds (for 90 students) were purchased.
This project will contribute in solving the boarding problem for the girls/students coming from all provinces of the country, who because of poverty can not find out-of-school boarding.
- Safeguard the security and health of these Rwandese young girls
- Offer the possibility to a big group of girls to finish their secondary studies
- Offer support to parents who need help by offering boarding to their daughters
- Contribute to the positive image of the school in the nearby environment.
- Offer extra chances to succeed to the boarding students.
To be expected results
· Building a dormitory with double-beds for about 200 students.
. Free up classrooms in order to be able to allow more students.
· Safety of the students by offering boarding.
· More chances on success for the students because of more positive circumstances.
· More easy participation in after-school activities by boarding within the school walls.
One year starting from the moment of receiving the financial support.
Partners are the students and the administration of the Secondary school 'Stella Matutina' Shyorongi.
'Vleugels van Hoop' for the sponsoring of the equipment in the dormitories.
2.5.1. Students: The number of students increased from 171 in 2002 to 438 in 2008.
2.5.2. Personnel: 34
2.5.3. Total:
Year |
classes |
Students |
personnel |
personnel |
personnel |
2008 |
12 |
438 |
5 |
16 |
13 |
'Vleugels van Hoop' wants to support the equipment of the dormitories:
Provisional tender EQUIPMENT, including beds and the necessary linnen, small cupboards and needed bathroom supplies for 520 students.
Total costs:
Twenty nine millions four hundred and eighty six thousand Rwandese Franks
i.e. about 40.000 € (depending on the exchange rates)
Date and stamp ‘Stella Matutina’
Shyorongi, 10/11/2008
Signature director school
To note down in your calendar :
15.08.2009 ‘Heikenskermis’ in Moerbeke-Waas
with benefit of this project .
Thank you to so many people who, close by or far away, likes on the ideas of ‘Vleugels van Hoop’ vzw and support them.
Do you want to support 'Vleugels van Hoop'vzw?
Bank account number 001-5300142-41
From the bottom of our hearts: THANK YOU!
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