Processing of agricultural products mays, soya, sorgo and manioc
Mill and unpeel machine
Location: Fomulac Katana/Bukavu in RD Congo (because of constant
electricity and agricultural area)
Project leadtime: 12 months
Requestor: Jean-Jacques Chishibanji / ANUPF asbl
Description of the project:
The Anupf association supports psychiatric patients and their families with the objective to improve life circumstances for the most vulnerables and to help them in their care and nutrition. To reach this objective we have 2 activities: chicken farming and cultivation of corn, beans and manioc. These 2 activities are having good results but we’re facing some new challenges: the request for helping the patients increases, the purchase of corn for the chickens, … To tackle this we were thinking about processing of agricultural products. A mill and unpeeling machine will allow us to transform our own products but also these from the farmers in the neighbourhood which generates a small income and an increase of the value of their products. We will be able to sell flour and to buy food for the most vulnerables. We believe we will increase our independency by these activities and we will be able to help more persons. The machines will be located at the site of Fomulac Katana as this is constantly electricity.
- Processing of corn, sorgo, soya and manioc to flour
- Produce chicken feed on large scale and increase the productivity of the chickens (more eggs and chicks)
- Auto-financing becomes stable and continuous
- The increase the value of agricultural products in our area
- Produce more agricultural products to be able to increase the number of beneficiaries
- Create employment at the mill
Psychiatric patients in the Sosame centre.
The farmers in our region around Anupf asbl
5990 USD or 5165 euro
Attached documents:
Follow-up of the project
Date: December 3rd 2018
Name project: Project 91: Bukavu Mill and unpeel machine
General status:
The project is started, the installation phase is ongoing. The ordering of the mill and unpeel machine was done and we received the complete mill (see pictures and invoices). The lease contract us signed with the responsible of the rooms where the machines will be installed. So instead of building a shelter we have paid rent (see lease contract). We also ordered a specific sewing machine to close the jute bags.
We report a delay in the project progress as the technician became ill. The supplier promised to deliver the 2nd machine within 10 days starting from 1.12.’18. We therefor expect to complete the installation between December 10th and 15th and can start up on December 16th.
Progress since last status report:
No progress as we’re in installation phase.
Financial status:
From the budget of 5990US$ (5165€) 1190$ is remaining. 450$ will be used for supplies, 500$ for the hours of the installation, 140$ for a scale and 100$ for the transport.
Currently no problems
Attached documents (pictures, reçu’s,…):
Follow-up august 2019
Date: August 21st 2019
Name project: Project 91- Mill
General status:
The activities are progressing step by step.
Progress since last status report:
The progress made implies a barn build with our own means. This quarter the mill produced for an amount of 529.940 FC from which 192.000 FC was used for de salaries of the milers.
Financial status:
After payment of the salaries (see above) we had a balance of 337.940 Fc
(US$ 205). In comparison with last quarter this means an production increase of 35%. With the US$ we bought 30 steel plates to build the new barn (housing for the mills cfr invoice purchase of materials).
To increase the profitability and to have the mills closer by we have, at own initiative, terminated the contract with fomulac Katana (end of rent period is 30/8/2019). We will install the machines in our own barn, build within the fence of the psychiatric centre Sosame (cfr request, response and pictures new barn). We plan to start our activities again after the connection to the national electricity company of Bukavu (we’ll provide pictures later on).
Related to the usage of the unpeel machine we did not get any response from the flour company of Kamanyola. Currently we’re in contact with a miller from Burundi, who has the skills to use the unpeel machine.
Follow-up february 2020
Date: February 12th 2020
Name project: Mill and unpeel machine
Project number: 91
General status:
After the new shelter, the installation and the electricity connection we started with processing corn, cassava and soy to flour and all goes well. We have 2 millers. It is high season and we intend to recruit 5 women (from the day hospital) to sort the corn before processing it. They’ll get a small income in return to buy food and other necessities.
Progress since last status report:
We have a technician for the unpeel machine. In the end of March you’ll receive a report about the flour production (meal and cassava). We paid the millers, the medication for the patients, were selling a stock (corn and cassava) and intensified the production.
Financial status:
- Income : 623$
- Care for patients : 337$
- Salaries millers : 188$
- Transfer : 98$
Shortage of financial means to buy stock of corn to anticipate the increasing prices during low season
Lack of transport for purchased raw materials and the delivery (on the market or to homes)
Lack of an own machine to make children’s porridge and the production of corn, sorghum and soy (masoso) cookies
Attached documents (pictures, reçu’s,…):
Clic on the image to see the whole album
