Reconstruction of a kindergarten
Location: Village KADUTU, district NYAKALIBA, KALERE B, RDC
Project leadtime: 3 months
Description of the project:
The Nyakaliba district is a slum (16495 inhabitants) located on the outskirts of Bukavu. People are workers and fire carriers; the more prosperous have a shop. The majority of the population is illiterate. As a result of the 'wage for education' system, many children end up on the streets because their parents are unable to pay the teachers.
In order to combat illiteracy, the population made available a parcel and built a kindergarten in wood (elementary basis given by 3 volunteers). This school worked for 14 years. In July 2018, a violent fire (of unknown origin) destroyed the school as well as 20 houses around the kindergarten.
To give the children a new chance, the neighbourhood wants to rebuild the school. Unfortunately, the population is poor and the State does not support education for the poor. They would like to rebuild 2 buildings, a desk and latrines (+ interior).
- Rebuild a space for the development of poor children
- Combating illiteracy
- Improve the situation of street children
Beneficiaries: 82 children aged 2,5 to 5 years
Budget: 19.476 €
Risks: none
Attached documents:/
Follow-up of the project
Date: July 15th, 2019
Name project: Construction project kindergarten school
General status:
The project is progressing well. We are at the level of finishing the paving work, the location of the doors and windows and the sanitary installation (tanks, lavas hands and tanks) and electricity.
Progress since last status report:
There is a lot of progress because the work is 80% complete. By 3 weeks from now, the company will give us the keys of the school. We received € 2,448 for school and office equipment. Next week we plan to place the order at a local carpentry shop to provide us chairs, tables and cabinets. The contract and receipt for manufacturing and delivery of furniture for the school will be sent to you next week.
Financial status:
The balance of the remaining money was paid to the construction company for finishing work, US $ 8,187.34 (see receipt No. 206).
The big worry is the space where we have to put the tanks! It was planned to install 4 tanks with a capacity of 2,500 liters, given the lack of space we asked the company to buy directly 1 tank with a capacity of 10,000 liters.
Attached documents (pictures, reçu’s,…):
Photo’s, recu
Extension june 2019
Name project: Project 92 – Extension: Equipment classrooms
Location: Kalere, Bukavu - Congo
Project leadtime: 2 months
Requestor: Jean-Jacques Chishibanji
Description of the project:
The extension of the project includes the equipment for the classrooms.
Purchase of chairs, tables, cupboards as well as hygienic material.
2.448 €
Attached documents:
Detailed budget
Follow-up august 2019
Date: August 19th 2019
Name project: Project 92 – Reconstruction of a kinder garden
General status:
The construction is almost finished (realisation at 90%). The workers will finalise the construction works on the 28th of this month.
The budget for the equipment was paid to the furniture producer (cfr invoice in attachment). According to the workshop, the furniture will be delivered on August 29th.
Progress since last status report:
We made every effort to allow the children to start the new school year on September 2nd in the new building.
Financial status:
We still have 200 US$ remaining for the purchase of sanitary materials for the school: toilet paper, soap, basins, mops, brushes,….
The rest of the budget was spend as planned.
It is a concern to get a tank with a big volume in Bukavu!
The engineer proposes to buy a tank of 10.000 litre in Burundi.
Follow-up october 2019
Name project: Reconstruction of a kindergarten Bukavu
General status:
Because of a dispute between the construction company and their personnel, the project was on hold. The activities have restarted and will be finalised as soon as possible. Related to the school desks the irregular availability of electricity caused a delay in ordering. We got the commitment they will be delivered before the end of October.
Progress since last status report:
Unsatisfactory! The children still do not use the premises. Instructors and a hygiene officer were appointed but we did not get a view into the appointment notes. As soon as these are available we’ll keep you informed.
Financial status:
All funds, except the 200$ for hygienic material, are consumed.
We face a transport problem related to the water tank to be brought from Burundi; the truck has to find other goods to be transported to Burundi. The agency is contacting clients to collect goods to be transported to Bukavu.
Attached documents (pictures, reçu’s,…):
Some pictures; others will be available by the end of the week.
Follow-up december 2019
Date: December 10th 2019
Name project: Kalere – Reconstruction of a kindergarten Bukavu
General status:
The main purpose is reached: the children of Kalere B have again 2 classes, toilets and furniture. Additionally there is on office for the director. School restarted, although with a delay, on November 14th. The children are going to school from Monday till Friday (from 08h00 till 11h30). There are 2 teachers and the school is managed by the head of the Shirika community in Kalere B.
Progress since last status report:
The children are again going to school.
The parents are satisfied as their children are staying in a safe environment.
The children are guided well and are no longer hanging around in the neighbourhood.
Financial status:
According to the last report all funds were fully used.
- The tank did not yet arrive; we follow up on this one.
- Financial shortage to give a motivation bonus to the teachers.
- Insufficient funds for hygienic materials, chalk, …
Attached documents (pictures, reçu’s,…):
Follow-up February 2020
Date: February 12th 2020
Name project: Reconstruction kindergarten
General status:
Since the opening in November are 67 children daily going to school. There are 2 teachers and a hygiene responsible. Some children don’t come to school because of lack of minimum means (shoes, pants,…). Sometimes they suffer for a lack of food so don’t come to school and wonder around in the neighbourhood.
Progress since last status report:
There is a steady progress until now and the school evolves an normal pace; children find joy over there. It is a spot where they can develop.
Financial status:
Nothing to report, the funds were fully consumed.
- The water tank arrived in the community; because of its size the road to the school has to be prepared.
- Lack on bonuses for the teachers
- Lack of means to replace consumables like chalk, paper and hygienic materials
Attached documents (pictures, reçu’s,…):
Clic on the image to see the whole album
