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CRVO 2017
Follow-up august 2017





CRVO – Purchase of a multipurpose building

Location:     Kabale, Uganda

Project leadtime: 2 months

Requestor:   Leonard Tumwesigye on behalf of Children Rescue Voluntary Organisation (CRVO)

Description of the project:

The purpose of this project is to buy a building, which will accommodate all the activities of the organization. It will include an office, a counselling room, a small shop to sell the CRVO products (candles, bread, crème and soap), as well as a room that will be a sick bay and will have the necessary first aid equipment.


Today children rescue voluntary organization operates in a building which is not big enough and for which the rent continues to increase which is a financial problem for CRVO. From July on the rent will from 600000 to 800000 Uganda Shillings monthly. Once such a structure is bought CRVO will become independent from paying rent and it will generate some income, as the own-produced products will be sold from there.


The multipurpose building will allow CRVO to continue all its activities in a very conducive environment as well as improving on the socio economic status of the more than 100 children and their households.


The budget needed for buying the selected building is 150.000.000 Uganda Shillings i.e. 37.500 euro’s

Risks: None

Attached documents: None


Follow-up of the project

Date:                August 15th 2017
Name project: Project 72 – CRVO – Purchase of a multifunctional

General status:

A building was selected in Kabale city, in line with the budget and the needs. The building will be used for office, consultation room, place to sell the own-made products (handcreme, candles, bread, ...), first aid room, …

Progress since last status report:

On July 15th the sales agreement was signed.
The move took place in the last weekend of July.
CRVO is very grateful to Vleugels van Hoop for supporting them!

Financial status:

Al funds (37.500 €) were used for the purchase of the multifunctional building.



Attached documents (pictures, reçu’s,…):

Sales agreement, pictures



Clic on the image to see the album
