Working place and additional equipment for bakery and candle making
Location: Kabale, Uganda
Project leadtime: 1 year
Requestor: Leonard Tumwesigye on behalf of Children Rescue Voluntary Organisation
Description of the project:
This project will be implemented in 2 phases.
First phase includes the construction of a multipurpose working place in line with national standards, to allow CRVO to continue its commercial activities in selling bakery products and candles.
Second phase is an extension of the machinery in the bakery and candle making.
Time wise the aim is to start the 1st phase immediately and the 2nd phase around year end 2020.
- Construction of a multipurpose working place according the standards required by the UNBS (Uganda National Bureau Standards).
- Extending the machinery in the bakery and candle making so more children can be involved and build necessary skills, to meet the market demand and to increase the income to cover increasing cost of living (school fees, …)
- Purchase of a diesel generator to reduce high costs on electricity
- Skills training for the beneficiaries
- Children at CRVO with minimum age of 12
- Single mothers and school drop outs
Phase 1: 23.600.000 Uganda Shillings (+/- 5.900 €)
Phase 2: 30.000.000 Uganda Shillings (+/- 7.500 €)
In case national standards of the UNBS are not met, the bakery and candle making has to be halted which would have a huge impact in financial means to support the children and families
Attached documents:
Detailed budget
Follow-up of the project
October 10th 2020
General status:
The project started with improving the temporary bakery structure which was not constructed according the standard of Uganda National Bureau of Standards. The construction started on August 10th with 20 workers and is finalized according the standard guidelines.
Progress since last status report:
The construction was improved and pumbling, plastering and painting works completed.
Financial status:
The provided funds were fully used for buying all needed materials (sand, cement, bricks,… and plumbing materials) and the execution of the construction works.
During the implementation of the project some challenges popped up:
- Because of power shut downs, long distances had to be walked to fetch water
- Materials to be purchased far away
- Interruptions because of lots of rain
At completion of the project we realised that a lot of water comes from the roof, which needs to be trapped to avoid, damage and therefor would like to collect the water in a big tank so it can be used for domestic activities. The cost for the tank would be 3.000.000 Uganda Shillings.
Attached documents (pictures, receipts,…):
Receipts and pictures
Follow-up january 2021
Date: January 9th 2021
Name project: Working place and additional equipment for bakery and candle making
Project No.: 107 phase 2
General status:
The project was executed smooth and is finalized as planned. The purchase of additional machines has helped us to improve the production as well as given more children the opportunity to learn skills and know how about the available machines.
Progress since last status report:
The additional machines (candle making machine and moulding machine for the bakery) were purchased as well as the needed generator and water tank for the working place.
Financial status:
The funds were fully utilised according to the budget.
- Hiked transport costs
- Poor roads impacting the marketing of our goods
- Hiked prices of the needed materials which we need to buy in Kampala
- Covid-19 had a huge impact on all children and households. All income generated was needed for food and medication.
Attached documents (pictures, receipts,…):
Receipts and pictures
Clic on the image to see the whole album
