Vleugels van Hoop

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Cimpunda Congo 2019
Follow-up aug. 2019
Follow-up jan. 2020
Extension project 2020
Follow-up may 2020





Microcredit through transport

Location:             Cimpunda, Bukavu, South-Kivu Provence, RD Congo      

Project leadtime: 1 year

Requestor:          Anuarite Mupenda Lucie 

Description of the project:

Our organization tries to find answers to the misery of the poor. Many families have no money, and our government does not care for them either.
Our organization wants to offer them a fund for small businesses in the form of a repayable credit with an interest rate of 0.5%, with the guarantee of teaching them a saving concept, so that they can improve the living conditions of their families. To support the project, we intend to apply for funding to purchase 2 Bajaje 4-Tone motorcycles and set them off for public transport. This provides us with monthly money for the mothers, after a short preparation about trade. Yield $ 20 per day.


- Fighting poverty in households without financial resources
- Contribute to the education of children
- Reducing the number of children on the street by registering them at school
- Contribute to mobile transport by putting two motorcycles on the road
- Contribute to the proper functioning of the association


- 120 women grouped in 6 solidarity groups and their children, average number 240
- the Bukavu population along the route Independence Square - Kadutu market
- 2 drivers who would be recruited

Budget: 8790$



Unit price

Total price


Engine Bajage 3 tires


4000 $

8000 $




40 $

80 $



8 liters/day for 60 days

1.2 $

576 $


License plate


45 $

90 $




15 $

30 $




7 $

14 $


8790 $



Attached documents:



Follow-up of the project

Date: August 20th, 2019
Name project: Project 97 Microcredit by transport

General status:

We launched the 'bajage' activity on July 16th and everything is working well.
The income for five working days is 150,000 FC (US $ 90).
The premiums are paid to drivers every Saturday. Sunday is devoted to maintenance.
To achieve our goal, we identified beneficiaries and made them aware of the concept of savings and micro-lending (Mutuelle Communaunity d’Epargne et des Crédits).

Progress since last status report:

73 people were identified and obtained credit. They pay back on a regular basis.
Every Sunday (from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m.) we come together to evaluate and check.
The members each have their own savings account and a record of the movements on account (photo of the meeting and documentation).
We also obtained the documents "transport license" and "technical inspection" from the official authorities.

Financial status:

So far we have achieved 1,200,000 FC (US $ 727).
The following costs were incurred: maintenance, vidange and garage.
The remaining money is in the hands of the people i.f.v. their small businesses.


- Lack of a safe
- Lack of money for the bonus of facilitators and people responsible for the follow-up
- Lack of computer tools to store data and lack of an application that can help us manage the savings and credit movements
- Lack of office supplies
- There is a high demand for credit while our production not yet
  meets the needs of members

Attached documents (pictures, reçu’s,…):

Pictures, recu’s


Follow-up january 2020

Date:                     January 29th , 2020
Name project:       Microcredit through transport

General status:

Since the August 19 report, evolution has been good in every way; the bajajas do public transport without problems. On the one hand, we monitor repairs as a result of the transport itself, we have renewed the insurance, we have purchased fuel and, on the other hand, we continue to provide microcredits to families.

Progress since last status report:

There are currently 103 beneficiaries who regularly make repayments. The weekly meetings continue and we have held a successful general meeting. We also supported 13 members as a result of illness, mourning, a death in the family, ...

Financial status:

So far we have realized 2600000 FC (US $ 1,529) minus some expenses (insurance, maintenance, oil change, garage, general meeting organization, health assistance).


- Lack of a safe
- Lack of money for the bonus from facilitators and follow-ups
- Lack of computer tools for storing data
- The lack of an App for managing savings & credit movements
- Lack of office supplies
- There is a high demand for credit, while our production does not yet meet the needs of the members

Attached documents (pictures, reçu’s,…):

copies of new insurance policies, photos, ..


Extension of the project 2020

Name project:    Microcredit through transport

Location:              Cimpunda/ Bukavu RD Ccngo

Project leadtime: 1 year

Requestor:          ANUARITE MUPENDA LUCIE

Description of the project:

The beneficiaries of the project are women and poor families. Two bajaja motorcycles are on the way for public transport and the money produced by the bajaja motorcycles is the financial credit granted to women or families.
We are still looking for financing to strengthen our microcredit action by purchasing a computer and printer.


- Strengthen our ability to provide loans to poor families
- Improve or modernize our data management system

Beneficiaries :  poor families and our organization

Budget: 1086$ of 1000 Euro

Risks: no risks

Attached documents: Budget


Follow-up may 2020

Date:                     May 28th, 2020
Name project:       Microcredit through transport – purchase of a computer and printer

N° project:            97 extension

General status:

Since March 16th, 2020, we have purchased a printer, computer, extension cord and paper. Everything works well so far.

Progress since last status report:

We can now safely store our data, print it and perform calculations (in Excel) quickly and accurately.

Financial status:

The allocated amount of € 1,000 was spent on the purchase of a Toshiba computer, a small printer, an extension cord and a pack of paper (see invoice no. 08567).


  • There has been no activity since the Covid pandemic: no public transport and therefore no income
  • Women with small businesses are desperate; they can't trade anything and they don't know how to feed their families and they can't even protect their loans.
  • The government is not helping and we have no reserves.
  • We dare to ask Vleugels van Hoop for help in order to survive and to obtain protective equipment (flour, rice, masks, disinfectant gel, ...)

Attached documents (pictures, reçu’s,…):

photos, invoice



Clic on the image to see the whole album
