
Piggery farm
Location: District Ngororera, Sector Gatumba
Project leadtime: 2 years
Requestor: Dusengimana Beathe
Description of the project:
Rwanda is a country in development with though low attention for education and formation. The consequence is that people who hardly studies are seen as idlers. The poverty rate in the region is strongly increasing.
The study is finalized and the result of the analysis shows that the project will be profitable. On top of this the market in pig meat and piglets is guaranteed.
There our group (10 persons) has decided to grow pigs.
- Job creation to fulfil our basic needs
- Development of jobs in our immediate environment for neighbouring people
- Poverty reduction in the region
- Guidance of people who want to start a similar project. And we will be able to deliver breeding pigs at a reasonable price.
- Direct beneficiaries are: DUSENGIMANA Béatha, HATEGEKIMANA Salvator, NIYONKURU Jeannette, NSENGIYUMVA Innocent, UWIZEYIMANA Angelique, MUNYESHYAKA Aphrodice, MUHAYIMANA Germaine, NDAGIJIMANA Wellars, MUKAPASIKA Angelique and BASHIMIKI Théogène and their families
- The neighbours and other villagers
- All persons from the neighbourhood and anyone who wants to work, can get a job in one or another phase of the project.
The budget is split in 2 phases.
Phase 1: construction of the breeding stable
N° |
material |
unit |
Unit price |
1 |
Roof tiles |
15 |
5.000 |
75.000 |
2 |
Shelves |
60 |
2.000 |
120.000 |
3 |
Nails |
15 kg |
1.500 |
22.500 |
4 |
Cement |
6 bags |
10.000 |
60.000 |
5 |
Stable door |
1 |
10.000 |
10.000 |
6 |
Sills |
5 |
3.000 |
15.000 |
7 |
Sand and pebbles |
2 trucks |
50.000 |
100.000 |
8 |
Transport |
- |
- |
30.000 |
9 |
jerry cans |
5 |
1.300 |
6.500 |
10 |
Construction works |
- |
- |
50.000 |
11 |
Miscellaneous |
25.000 |
S/Total |
514.000 |
Phase 2 : Operation
N° |
material |
unit |
Unit price |
1 |
Pigs |
5 |
45.000 |
225.000 |
2 |
Food |
1.350 kg |
200 |
270.000 |
3 |
Medication |
- |
- |
50.000 |
Total budget = 1.059.000 RwFr
- Epidemic outbreak
- Price fluctuations
- Climate changes
Attached documents:
Follow-up of the project

