
Broederlijk Delen in ‘Heiende’ Primary School in Lokeren
With the following message, ‘Heiende’ Primary School indicated its intention to support the projects of ‘Vleugels van Hoop’ this year. We offer the school our sincerest gratitude. “During the Lenten season we want to show solidarity with people who are not as fortunate as we are.
The whole school chose for the ‘Vleugels van Hoop’ organization.”
This organization was co-founded by the parents-in-law of Miss Isabel. Furthermore, Miss Isabel’s father-in-law has Rwandese roots. Miss Lieve too has lived and worked in Rwanda and has warm feelings towards the country.
‘Vleugels van Hoop’ is working on projects in the great lakes region, such as: collecting rainwater in a school, equipping a dormitory in Shyorongi and starting up sewing workshops in Rwanda and Burundi,… See also ‘Projects’. By doing our part, perhaps we can give these people hope for a better future.
On Monday 23 March 2009, Bernadette and François Gacas gave a presentation in ‘Heiende’ Primary School in Lokeren. During this introduction, the students had the opportunity to ask questions and marvel at pictures and objects from Rwanda. For many of them, seeing what school looks like for African children meant a profound confrontation with their own environment.
If you follow the link photo-report (on the left) you can experience the day’s atmosphere.
Activity follow-up.
When we asked if we could come and introduce our organisation vzw 'Vleugels van Hoop' in the school we immediately got the go-ahead.
Monday, 23 March ’09 was the big day! All ready and raring to go, we made for Vrije Basisschool 'Heiende'.
Big and small, everyone was there and we have to say: it was a GREAT crowd!! We got their undivided attention and after the presentation we received tons of spontaneous, fun and interesting questions and responses.
Our request to these young people was: “Do you want to help 'Vleugels van Hoop' to keep flying on? Then spread the word about what you saw and heard here today! And if there’s something you can’t remember… don’t worry. Tell all who is willing to listen that they can find it all on www.vleugelsvanhoop.be
Ask mom and dad if you can have a look on our website yourself à acties/ Heiende/ fotoreportage.
The Heiende students kept their promise! Thanks to their efforts, the Broederlijk Delen campaign for 'Vleugels van Hoop' vzw has proven to be a MEGA-succes: we collected the nice round sum of €500!!! This sum is more than welcome for a part of our 2009 project ‘Lodging for the children of Shyorongi-Rwanda’.
Beside the financial support we are particularly happy to know that we can count on so many good little hearts that are driven by young wings of hope. Thank you to all the first to sixth year students and hopefully until next year.
We also want to give many thanks to the school management, the teachers and the parents of the students at the Vrije Gesubsidieerde Basischool in 'Heiende'.
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