Multicultural day June 22th, 2012
This afternoon at 13u15 the whole school gathered in the large refectory. What a big deal, because not only the children and teachers were present, also the mom of many children! Ohlala, obviously still a mistake, because mother's day was already in may! Or no, it is not ... there was Mrs. Wendy! Caught and dropped she told us about a trip that she had made to ... hey, what country?! She gave a number of tips to guess and that was what happened: Morocco was our host country ! Together we went for 1 day on a trip!
Also Vleugels van Hoop vzw (Wings of Hope) was invited - to many people already a known concept in the school - they gave the children some explanation about their organization. Everyone could hold, view and study material originating from Central Africa, more specifically, the area of the great lakes region in Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda. Thatched basket on the head, baby on the back, play football with a football made of banana leaves, blowing on a horn, strumming a tam-tam, … something for everyone. What an exciting and above all successful multicultural afternoon! Thank you to everyone for the help!
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