
August 15th 2009 from 17h00 on you’re very welcome to participate in our big summer fete in ’t Heiken in Moerbeke Waas.
As every year the activities are organised for the benefit of the projects of
vzw ‘Vleugels van Hoop’.
This year everybody support the project “A roof for the children” in Shyorongi.
About 480 girls students of the secondary school are staying overnight on the domain and go home only on quarterly basis. At this moment 2 classrooms are used as dormitory.
With building a big, new dormitory these classrooms will become available for teaching and more space will be offered. This all is not just luxury, but a real must!
The start of the Construction of the dormitories is planned for July 1st. 2009.
Within the huge Construction project ‘Vleugels van Hoop’ wants to offer the inner arrangements for the dormitory.
If you want, you can contribute to this!!
You can subscribe to the mega-barbecue that day via:
- 09/346 78 91 Bernadette en François Gacas
- 09/346 99 23 Betty en Albert de l’Arbre
- via mail info@vleugelsvanhoop.be
- selling entrancecards: Meester Antoniusdreef nr 24 & nr 3 in Moerbeke-Waas
Please mention name, address, number of persons and age, total amount
Children up to 7 years old: FOR FREE
Children from 8 to 12 years old: € 10,00
Adults: € 15,00
Your reserved tickets will be available at the entrance.
Your subscription is only valid after payment on bank account number
737-0211176-50 of vzw Vleugels van Hoop, with comment “project 2009”
Follow-up of the action
Were you with us on Saturday August 15th 2009? The sun for sure was!
But far more important: there were so many people on our 'Vleugels van Hoop' = 'Wings of Hope' celebration, under the protection of Heikenskermis in Moerbeke-Waas.
One can’t start a barbecue without an aperitif: a fruit juice or kir, some small snacks, something for all kind of wishes.
Transforming balloons in an animal and painting kids faces was Els’s activity; because of the warmth not an easy job but nevertheless successful!
During a sociable chat and with the expert service of some “Wings of Hope”-people one shuffled along for the barbecue. And it must be said: it was very nice!
Outside in the sun or in the tent you could enjoy the music of the `Big Band Enter' orchestra: nice, recognizable melodies.
And of course no celebration without a tombola. With lots of “flair” an innocent child hand drew the winning number. Two persons can enjoy some days of holiday in Groot Hertogdom Luxembourg; our warm thanks to the sponsor who offered us this price.
After the Big Band performance we switched over to the music of the 80’s with the 'Totally Awesome 80s' party. The dancing floor had been rapidly filled. Also some friends from Burundi could not resist to the rhythm and joined the other dancers. Summarized, a successful and extraordinary super-sociable festivity!
Similar to previous years, the turnover of this festival has been donated for the projects of vzw 'Vleugels van Hoop' = Wings of Hope'. This year 'Vleugels van Hoop' wants to cooperate in the project “Lodging for children' in Rwanda: in the girls' school of Shyorongi 'Wings of Hope' wants to support the furnishing of a new, badly needed sleeping space. The work for the construction of the dormitory has already started.
Our warmest “Thank You” goes to all sympathizers, sponsors and co-operators who are present each year again. Thanks to your support “Wings of Hope” can realize a beautiful project.
We look forward to meet all of you again on our Heikenskermis 2010.
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