
Project 54 C - Construction of a centre for disabled children – phase 3
Location: Nyacyonga, district Gasabo
Project lead time: 4 months
Requestor: Didier Semanyenzi on behalf of Jya Mu Bandi Mwana
Description of the project:
After the successful closing of the first and second phases of the construction project (projects 54 A and 54 B) the main buildings (classrooms, dormitories and refectory) are constructed up to roof-height and roofs are put in place.
The objectives of this 3rd phase are:
- Finalizing the 3 classrooms (covering the inner walls, building sidewalks, applying gutters, placing doors and windows)
- Finalizing the dormitories
- Finalizing the refectory and temporary kitchen
- Electricity supply to all buildings
- Toilets at the dormitories
- Start of the optimization of the area (pathways,….)
This will allow Jya Mu Bandi Mwana to move into the new centre at mount Jali, in the beginning of 2016.
267 disabled children at Jya Mu Bandi Mwana
Description |
Budget in RwFr |
Budget in € |
Finalizing classrooms |
3.674.000 RwFr |
+/- € 4.540 |
Finalizing dormitories |
12.632.600 RwFr |
+/- € 15.600 |
Finalizing refectory |
4.809.000 RwFr |
+/- € 5.940 |
Electricity in all buildings |
1.819.800 RwFr |
+/- 2.250 |
Doors and windows |
5.632.000 RwFr |
+/- 6.950 |
Toilets in the dormitories |
3.560.000 RwFr |
+/- 4.400 |
1 part of the fence and outside area optimisation |
3.845.000 RwFr |
+/- 4.800 |
Total |
39.972.400 RwFr |
+/- € 49.400 |
Attached documents: Detailed budget proposal
Follow-up of the project
Rapport financier de la phase III des travaux de construction du Centre JYAMUBANDIMWANA à Jali, district de Gasabo (Mars 2016)
Rubriques |
Budget reçu |
Dépenses |
Reliquat/ Excédent |
Revêtement sols & murs |
17,920,600 |
20,945,150 |
- 3,024,550 |
Ciments |
4,879,200 |
Sable |
8,249,000 |
Moellon et gravillon |
2,040,000 |
Transport |
200,000 |
Main d'OEuvre |
4,985,850 |
Installation Electrique de base |
309,700 |
Semi finissage des colonnes |
281,400 |
Huisserie |
5,632,000 |
7,130,200 |
- 1,498,200 |
Portes et fenêtres |
5,424,000 |
Verres |
843,200 |
Mastiques |
36,000 |
Main d'OEuvre |
777,000 |
Transport matériel |
50,000 |
Sanitaire (dortoirs) |
3,560,000 |
3,209,600 |
350,400 |
Achèvement fosses |
1,058,400 |
Briques |
400,000 |
Ciment et sable |
647,000 |
Autres matériels |
851,200 |
Main d'OEuvre |
168,000 |
Transport matériel |
85,000 |
Clôture |
3,845,000 |
1,121,500 |
Poteaux |
300,000 |
Arbustes |
180,000 |
Autres matériels |
591,500 |
Main d'OEuvre |
50,000 |
Autres |
9,014,800 |
7,762,400 |
1,252,400 |
Gouttières et tuyaux |
1,481,500 |
Biogaz |
380,000 |
Cuisine |
4,942,900 |
Suivi et supervision |
958,000 |
40,168,850 |
Recettes phase 3 |
39,972,400 |
Reliquat phase 2 |
315,400 |
Total des recettes |
+ 40,287,800 |
Total des dépenses |
- 40,168,850
Reliquat phase 3 |
118,950 |
Les détails des factures et autres pièces justificatives sont attachés en annexes.
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