Reusable sanitary pads
Location: Kabale - Uganda
Project leadtime: 6 months
Requestor: Leonard Tumwesigye on behalf of Children Rescue
Voluntary Organisation (CRVO)
Description of the project:
The project aims to improve girl’s education by the provision of free, reusable sanitary pads to the vulnerable girls from the age of 10 onwards, both in primary and secondary schools.
The target group are mainly orphans and vulnerable girls who cannot afford to buy sanitary pads and girls in about 20 schools in Kabale. This will improve on the personal hygiene and during their menstrual cycle. This project will work hand in hand with female teachers and other staff members on how to address girl’s problems during menstruation, to reduce high school drop outs and absenteeism and to increase the self-esteem amongst the girls
This project will
- make visits to chosen school.
- distribute sanitary pads to orphans and vulnerable girls under CRVO
- carry out training for girls on how to use and make pads
200 girls will get each 10 reusable pads and will acquire skills on how to make them.
The total budget is 21.480.000 Uganda Shillings, being 5.370 €.
Attached documents:
Detailed budgeting.
Follow-up of the project
Date: September 8th 2019
Name project: Project 99 – CRVO - Reusable sanitary pads
General status:
There has been tremendous progress as many children and guardians as well as a few members of the community have been trained in the making of reusable sanitary pads. All children have so far benefited from this programme.
Progress since last status report:
We continued to carry on a variety of trainings. We have four training groups where as of now two groups are being lead by CRVO children, who showed to be quick learners during the school holiday period. We continue to run this programme as some guardians have two days in a week where they make some of these pads. We have by now 500 finished usable pads, which we shall be distributing to two rural schools where some of our children study.
We hope to extend this programme in various schools by training girl children on how to make these pads; we shall have two schools where our own children will be training their fellow schoolmates during the upcoming term.
So far 40 guardians have been trained and 80 girl children under CRVO, as well as 16 school dropout girls in the community.
Children have been able to get more facts about menstruation as well as reducing poor methods and quality of protection by using well-made usable pads which are affordable by all.
Financial status:
We purchased all needed materials for the total budget
- Providing meals to all the participants which was not in the budget
- The number of participants was too big.
- Some participants were walking long distance
- Some materials were not enough
Attached documents (pictures, reçu’s,…):
Visit board Vleugels van Hoop end of october 2019
Date: October 31st 2019
Name project: CRVO – Reusable sanitary pads
N° project: 99
General status:
The workshop where the reusable sanitary pads are made is running at full speed. It was impressive as well to see the production of candles, soap and the bakery.
Progress since last status report:
A visit was done to several schools. The CRVO girls are teaching other youngsters how to make the pads. Each girl at CRVO has its own set of sanitary pads by now.
The sets have to be replaced yearly.
Attached documents (pictures, reçu’s,…):
See here the Pictures of the board visit end of October 2019
Clic on the image to see the whole album
