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Kadungulu Uganda 2025
Follow-up 2025






Aquaponics fish-vegetable production        

Location:             Kadungulu, Uganda

Project leadtime: 12 months

Requestor:          Apetu Joseph on behalf of Resilient Villages Uganda (REVU)  

Description of the project:

The project aims to sustainably support Fr Omoding Nursery and Primary school and Kadungulu Community Health Care centre through sustainable integrated fish-vegetable production using solar-powered Aquaponics fish farming.
Aquaponics is a sustainable method of food production combining aquaculture (raising aquatic animals) and hydroponics (cultivating plants in water). In this circulating system, fish waste acts as a natural fertilizer for the plants, these plants then absorb those nutrients and return clean water to the fish.


The intention is to use the income from the Aquaponics fish farm to complete the construction of a block of four classrooms, provide school materials, purchase medicines and pay the salaries of medical staff for the health centre to be built in the future, with the aim of improving the learning and teaching environment and providing medical services to the rural community.


Teachers and school children studying at Fr Omoding Nursery and Primary school, 33 orphans and vulnerable children, the general community of Kazungula will benefit from the health care services provided by Kazungula Community Health Care Centre once funding for its constructed is secured. Subsequently, the Aquaponics systems will be utilized as a sustainable community learning farm.

Budget: 14.391,7 €

Risks: /

Attached documents:

Detailed project proposal and budget


Follow-up of the project

Date:                          February 7th, 2025
Name project:           Aquaponics fish-vegetable production

Project No.:                147     

General status:

Aquaponics is an integrated system of growing fish simultaneously with vegetables in the same unit. It has a high potential to provide fish and vegetables for both home consumption and for sale.
The project aims to sustainably support Fr Omoding Nursery and Primary School and Kadungulu Community Health Centre. The income generated from the Aquaponics fish farm will be used to complete the construction of a four-classroom block, provide school materials, purchase medicines and pay salaries and wages of medical staff.

Progress since last status report:

  • Procurement of Aquaponics tanks and its accessories, construction of the solar house and fish farmhouse.
  • Acquisition of solar powered systems (Solar Pump and refrigerator). The inspection will take place in the third week of February.
  • Procurement of African Catfish and Nile Tilapia fingerlings.
  • Procurement of fish feeds, the best quality fish feed that lead to high efficiencies. The delivering will be done in the fourth week of February 2025 when the fingerlings are expected to attain the weight of 0.6-0.7 grams.
  • Procurement of tomato and spinach seeds: we expect to plant these seeds on the grow-bed in the third week of February 2025 when the Aquaponics tanks are installed and inspected.
  • Procurement of pH meter and Oxygen meter detector: these water test kits shall be used for monitoring dissolved oxygen, temperature, turbidity, and the acidity of the water in the Aquaponics system.
  • Fish farming permit Acquisition: Nicho Ventures Ltd issued the project a fish farming permit at a cost of 1,000,000 Ugx from the original budgeted 1,500,000 Ugx. The balance of 500,000 Ugx was utilized for procurement of assorted timber, ironsheets, and assorted roofing nails for the construction and roofing of the solar house and fish house.
  • Procurement of Motorcycle which shall be used for distributing and supplying fish to the market for sale.

Financial status:

We have spent 98% (53,908,000 UGX) of the total funds received for the implementation of the project. The balance of 1,500,000 UGX which is remaining in the organisation account shall be utilized for end of project evaluation.


The initial plan was to procure fingerlings weighing 0.2-0.3grams, and the organisation had to advise Nicho Ventures to raise the fingerlings to a weight of 0.6-0.7grams which shall be delivered in the fourth week of February 2023 when the fingerlings are expected to reach that weight. This has caused delays in the installation of the solar system and the fish tanks. The tanks and the solar system will be installed in the third week of February, the fingerlings will be delivered in the fourth week of February.

Attached documents (pictures, receipts…):

Invoices and photos



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