Rwanda Charity Eye Hospital
Location: Ruyenzi, Runda, Kamonyi district, Rwanda
Project leadtime: 2018 -2019
Requestor: Piet Noë
Description of the project:
Rwanda Charity Eye Hospital is a new eye hospital in Rwanda that wants to be accessible to all patients, especially poor patients. Different types of eye operations will be performed, as well as treatment of children with eye cancer and laser treatments. An important mission of the new eye hospital is also training: young African ophthalmologists and nurses will be able to follow practical internships.
For the hospital to function, a large investment is required: infrastructure (buildings), equipment for the consultation rooms and operating room, and equipment for the rooms and rooms where the patients will be hospitalized. Because we expect many children to be operated, general anaesthesia is required. We want to purchase the necessary material for this.
Because it is unaffordable to buy this material all in Europe, we have searched this material in China. In October 2017 we visited several Chinese companies (in Guangzhou). 'Maya medical equipment limited' seemed to be a company with a good reputation (pro forma invoice for the material for general anaesthesia).
- Patients suffering from eye diseases. We expect patients from all over Rwanda, as well as from neighbouring countries (Burundi, East DRC and Uganda).
- Ophthalmologists and staff will be able to do practical training (internships / fellowships) at the eye hospital.
14 778.98 Euro (17 764.69 USD) (1USD = 0.83 Euro)
Starting a new hospital certainly involves some risks. The founders of the new hospital (Piet Noë and Pierre Claver Ndahayo) have 9 years of experience in running an eye hospital in Rwanda (the eye department of Kabgayi Hospital). Because the hospital also wants to treat poor patients, it will be important that also some better paying patients will be treated in the hospital, so that the hospital would become self-reliant. The relationship between the number of patients with well-paying insurance companies and the patients insured with 'Mutuel de santé' (with low rates) will determine whether the hospital will become financially independent.
Attached documents:
Pro forma invoice of the different instruments that are mainly needed to make general anaesthesia possible (which is always necessary for eye operations of children).
Follow-up of the project
Date: July 27th 2018
Name project: Project 83 - Rwanda Charity Eye Hospital
General status:
In February 2018 “Rwanda Charity Eye Hospital” got 14.778,98 € from vzw Vleugels van Hoop.
This made it possible to purchase the needed equipment for overall narcosis. The purchase was done for an amount of 17.764.69 USD at the company “Maya Medical Equipment Ltd” in Guangzhou, in China (see proforma invoice).
Progress since last status report:
The material, shipped in a 40 ft container, arrived in Rwanda in March (together with other materials also bought in Guangzhou).
The surgery lamps (also donated by “Vleugels van Hoop”) are already installed in the surgery room.
Financial status:
The balance is zero.
The “RCEH” eye clinic is not functioning yet but we hope to start in September. The construction works are taking longer than expected. At the moment the installation of medical equipment is ongoing, electrical installations (generator, stabilizer, UPS) are ongoing, water tanks to capture rainwater are installed, the floor in the surgery room (epoxy) needs to be completed and the plumber still has lots of work.
Attached documents (pictures, reçu’s,…):
Visit of the board Vleugels van Hoop november 2019
Date: November 8th 2019
Name project: Rwanda Charity Eye Hospital
N° project: 83
General status:
With a suitcase full of glasses the board visited the new clinic of Dr. Piet Noë. It is an impressive building with 2 VIP-rooms, rooms for paying patients and dormitories for others, fully installed laboratories and surgery rooms with all needed equipment.
Attached documents (pictures, reçu’s,…):
Pictures of the board visit to Rwanda Charity Eye Hospital on November 8th 2019.
Clic here.
