
Christmas market in Sint Martens Latem
We hope to warmly welcome you on the Christmas market during the weekend of December 18th and 19th 2010.
You’ll find there superb hand-made Christmas balls, Rwandan cribs, also hand work, some unique in their kind, plaster `cribchildren' which will touch your heart, wish cards….
All grants which are sold for the benefit of our projects.
Offering a present, saving a life,…
You see it sometimes in the newspaper.
Someone succeeds to save a person. Marvellous, no?
With a little bit of good will everyone can help someone. Also you can!
By sharing a little of your abundance you offer others a future, a life, a better life….
It probably will not be published, but knowing it yourself….
U can keep on helping us in 2011 by :
- buying a cordial present at our Christmas market boot in St-Martens-Latem
- or donate to Vleugels van Hoop, bank account number 001-5300142-41
Thanks in advance for your big 
Sint-Martens-Latem 18 & 19 December
Lots and lots of snow, a nativity scene with live animals, hot wine,… and so much more: the ideal framework for a Christmas market. On 18 and 19 December ’10 the centre of Latem was transformed into a genuine Christmas village. And Vleugels van Hoop was there too, thanks to the city council and the Latem Lions Club!
Our stand, in the city hall council chamber, was flanked by the OCMW hobby club on one side and by the coffee and cake stand of the local Lions Club on the other. And it was rather pleasant there as well!
People could come to us to purchase wonderful handmade Christmas baubles, little Rwandese nativity scenes (also handmade), plaster baby Jesuses, greeting cards… Of course, everything was sold in benefit of our vzw’s projects.
In between stories and the exchanging of experiences, a child’s hand picked out a single bauble, a mother selected a set of them, someone else was delighted with the Rwandese Christmas decorations and decided to get a pack of greeting cards too.
In short, a success and one worth repeating!