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Kitabi Rwanda 2023
Follow-up september 2023
Follow-up january 2024






Piggery farm

Location:                 Kitabi, Rwanda

Project leadtime:     12 months       

Requestor:              Sister Thaciana Mukashyaka, Congregation of Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi

Description of the project:

The Kitabi Center takes care of more than 60 disabled children, most of whom come from relatively poor families. Fifteen of these children are taken care of in the center for appropriate care.
The center receives no outside aid or other source of income to meet its needs.
This project will contribute to the operating costs through the sale of piglets. It will also help the local population to acquire new farming techniques.


- Create a source of income to meet the needs of the center
- Breeding pigs of an improved breed in order to sell them for the benefit of the center
- Helping the local population raise pigs using modern techniques.


60 poor families who bring their children to the center and the children themselves who stay in the center for rehabilitation care (physiotherapy).

Budget: 4.360 €



Attached documents:



Follow-up of the project

Date:                    Septembre 29th, 2023
Name project:       Piggery farm

General status:

After receiving the funds early May, the repair of the pigsty started and the pigs were purchased

Progress since last status report:

Four pigs already have 32 piglets that will be distributed among the poor families in early December. The other 6 pigs are pregnant, the piglets are expected in October.

Financial status:

55% of the budget has already been spent, more purchases will follow



Attached documents (pictures, receipts,…):



Follow-up january 2024

Date:                    January 19th, 2024
Name project:       Piggery farm
General status:

All pigs had piglets.
The project is running without any problems and the families who received the piglets are very happy.

Progress since last status report:

The distribution of piglets to the first poor families began in December 2023, and distribution to the remaining families continued in January.
The families promised that they will raise the pigs and do their best to move forward.

Financial status:

The budget of € 4.360 was entirely spent on the purchase of pigs, medicines and materials (103%).



Attached documents (pictures, receipts,…):




Clic on the image to see the whole album
