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Underground Reservoir WellLocation: Mawokota, Mpigi District,Uganda Project leadtime: 3-4 MONTHS Requestor: Richard Bbaale for SOVHEN Description of the project: Access to adequate water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services at Sovhen community based fisherfolk Health Centre (HCIII) is essential for the provision of quality care. Objectives: Because electricity is not always available in this rural Uganda, it is important to make sure the community can access clean and safe water even when the power is out. The solution is a Solar Powered- well underground reservoir. This well is fitted with a solar powered pump, two water tanks and a SMART TAP – Water Kiosk purification system for dispensing safe and clean water. Beneficiaries: 6,863 fishing households (average family size: 5.1) living in a remote rural area with limited resources, about 8 villages. Budget: 7.692 € (30.000.000 UgSh) Risks: To avoid risks:
Attached documents: Detailed budget and drawings Follow-up of the projectDate: February 3rd, 2025 Name project: Underground Reservoir Well General status: The Health Centre did have no access to clean and adequate water, as our rainwater supply systems were non-functioning. The Health Centre and its fisherfolk Community members were drawing water from unclean sources like the nearby Lake making it difficult for the facility to maintain a healthy and hygienic environment. There were repeated outbreaks of diarrheal deaths due to drinking this contaminated lake water. This was not only affecting the facility, but the whole community and its neighbors. Progress since last status report:
Financial status: The amount of € 7,692 was sufficient for the full implementation of the project. Problems/concerns: Due to the increase in the number of patients in the health center, thanks to the availability of safe water, there is a need for better latrines with bathrooms and washbasins (the current latrine is closed at night with all its consequences). Costing: 18,000,000 UgSh. Attached documents (pictures, receipts…): Receipts, photos ImagesClic on the image to see the whole album