
Location: Karangarara, Nyamasare, Mulaga - Tanzania.
Project leadtime: 6 months
Requestor: Ms.Elizabeth Akampurira, Executive Director,
Education, Environment and Economic development organisation (EEEDO)
Description of the project:
In Sengerema District, many community residents suffer from water shortage due to lack of access to ground water. Currently, the only source of water is nearby swamps which they share with domestic and wild animals.
Fetching water is usually done by women and children; and in most cases, women must leave home before sunrise or late in the evening which exposes them to many risks.
Water shortage problem has also reduced children study times and hygiene levels, especially girls who do not attend school regularly, because they also must participate in getting water, they cannot get bathed or have a decent breakfast before leaving for school.
Rainwater harvesting tanks, backyard vegetable gardens and training in water sanitation and hygiene will improve access to clean water, food security and
community health.
- construction of 10 rainwater harvesting tanks (5000 L) in 3 villages. Each tank will be benefiting between 25 – 50 people from 3-5 household clusters, mainly focusing on vulnerable households,
- establishment of kitchen gardens: vegetables, cereals and root crops
- training of 500 women in 25 groups of about 20, in composting and kitchen gardening with emphasis on sustainability in salutary nutrition production and self-reliance.
- promotion of sanitation and hygiene practices among the communities in three villages.
750 people will benefit from the entire project directly including women and children (widows, orphans and the elderly) from 50 households. Other community members will benefit through learning the basics of vegetable cultivation and best practices of water sanitation and hygiene.
- 10 rainwater harvesting tanks: 5.347 €
- guttering and taps: 1.782 €
- vegetable seeds (egg plants, tomatoes, cabbages, onions), fertilizers insecticides, spray pumps: 1.782 €
- Training women from 3 villages: 891 €
Total: 9.803 €
Attached documents:
Follow-up of the project
Date: September 3th, 2023
Name project: Rainwater Harvesting and Kitchen Gardening
General status:
The project will enable families and communities in 3 villages in Buyago, Bitoto and Bisisi wards to have access to clean water, to build sustainable livelihoods and food systems through back yard kitchen gardening. After arrival of funds, the implementation team gathered and started the project with the following activities:
• District consultative and planning meeting to introduce the project and develop a work plan with clear roles and responsibilities.
• Ward consultative and planning meeting with the Buyago , Bitoto and Busisi wards. During the meeting, villages with highest water needs were identified. Roles and responsibilities for EEEDO, beneficiaries, the local leaders and the community were clearly spelt out.
Progress since last status report:
Construction started early June as it was still raining, but since the start of this project there has been steady progress, as each village actively participated in ensuring that the needed materials were carried from the end of the road to the construction sites. Four water tanks have been fully constructed in Karangara village and preparations are ongoing in Mulaga village. The construction of the 4 water tanks of 5000 litres took place nearby 4 grandmothers’ houses. These grandmothers are looking after grandchildren most of who are orphaned by HIV/AIDS.
EEEDO took special consideration for grandmothers that are looking after at least 5 young grandchildren and faced difficulty in collecting water.
Financial status:
Construction water tanks
Sand and stones community
Plastic water tank 3.480.000
Iron bars 92.000
Bags 368.000
Masonary 600.000
Totaal : 4.540.000 TSh
The challenges encountered during the implementation of this project were
- hiked prices
- hard to reach some of the houses
- transport challenges due to poor roads
- excessive rains at the start of the project.
Attached documents (pictures, receipts,…):
Clic on the image to see the whole album
