Water hygiene and sanitation
Location: Lyamabumbe primary school – Muleba district - Tanzania
Project lead-time: 6 months
Requestor: Richard KBataringaya on behalf of Action for Ngono Basin
Reforestation (ACTNGONO)
Description of the project:
This project will increase the access to water and sanitation in the Lyamabumbe primary school as today there is a lack of water, lack of toilets, loss of rainwater and frequent outbreak of waterborne diseases.
- Install a 10.000 litre water tank and gutters
- Construct student-friendly and safe toilet blocks
- Build handwashing facilities
- Provide reusable sanitary pads to the needy girls
- Train on health and sanitation issues
- Decrease absenteeism at school
Direct: 1000 pupils and 12 teachers
Indirect: parents, families and the wider community
7.550,00 € equal to 20.967.900 Tanzanian Shillings
Attached documents:
Detailed budget and pictures
Follow-up of the project
Date: January 24th 2022
Name project: Water hygiene and sanitation
Project No.: 118
General status:
The project started immediately after receiving the funds and a workshop was held with all leaders and the community. The school management contributed a lot in supporting the implementation (making resources available for the pit excavation, providing needed food for the workers, providing storage for construction materials, …).
The construction of the 12-toilets sanitary block implied so far the pit excavation (by the parents) and the construction of the sanitary block up to roof height.
Progress since last status report:
70% of the work is done.
Pending activities are the installation of the toilets, the roofing, plastering and painting works as well as the installation of the water tanks and re-usable sanitary towels. The project will be completed with a training in water hygiene and sanitation (WASH) and menstrual hygiene.
Financial status:
All purchases took place in line with the budget.
The poor road conditions and very intense rainfall delayed the construction a bit.
Attached documents (pictures, receipts,…):
Clic on the image to see the album

Phase 2 - 2022
Water hygiene, sanitation and menstrual management
Location: Burigi primary school – Muleba district - Tanzania
Project lead-time: 6 months
Requestor: Richard KBataringaya on behalf of Action for Ngono Basin
Reforestation (ACTNGONO)
Description of the project:
Same as on the Lyamabumbe primary school, this project will increase the access to water and sanitation in the Burigi primary school as today there is a lack of water, lack of toilets, loss of rainwater and frequent outbreak of waterborne diseases. On top menstrual kits will be distributed to the eldest girls in both schools.
- Install a 8.000 litre water tank and gutters
- Construct student-friendly and safe toilet blocks, for boys and girls
- Build handwashing facilities
- Provide reusable sanitary pads to the needy girls in both schools
- Train on health and sanitation issues
- Decrease absenteeism at school
Direct: 860 pupils and 12 teachers
Indirect: parents, families and the wider community
12.706,00 € equal to 31.510.485 Tanzanian Shillings
None, as experience was built in the Lyamabumbe primary school
Attached documents:
Detailed budget and pictures
Follow-up october 2022
Date: October 8th 2022
Name project: Water hygiene and sanitation – phase 2
General status:
The project activities in the Burigi school have been completed, with support of school staff, the students and the community.
Progress since last status report:
The project included:
- Training and onboarding of the school and community into the project
- Construction of a 12-toilet sanitary block with help of parents and students
- Installation of a water tank and gutters to collect the rainwater
- Training of the school health club in health and hygiene, for further training their schoolmates,
families, …
- Training of the girls in menstrual hygiene.
The menstrual kits have been ordered and will be distributed soon.
Financial status:
All purchases took place in line with the budget.
The poverty of the people in the area caused a small delay in onboarding them, getting their contribution in the materials needed and in the project start.
Attached documents (pictures, receipts,…):
Pictures - Receipts