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Nyamata Rwanda 2017
Follow-up october 2017





Nyamata Rwanda 2017

Bon Berger – Agriculture and livestock farming

Location: District Nyamata / Rwanda

Project leadtime:  Undefined

Requestor:  Robert Ngiruwonsanga Murenzi, representative Europe for the association
’Bon Berger’ and co-founder of the school Bon Berger in Nyamata/Rwanda.

Description of the project:

The association ‘Bon Berger’ wishes to start a project to grow bananas, peanuts and fruit. Besides this they want to breed cows.


Provide help to the Bon Berger school by providing healthy and balanced food for the children.
Provide a job to the parents of the most needy children.


The pupils of the school.
The parents of the most needy children



Purchase seeds, cultivate soil, prepare fields:                        1.800.000 frw
Purchase manure, hay, transport and labour:                          670.000 frw
Purchase and planting fruit trees:                                           250.000 frw
Purchase seeds and planting peanuts:                                    250.000 frw
Purchase seeds and planting beans:                                       350.000 frw

Lifestock farming

Purchase 2 milk cows:                                                           580.000 frw
Construction stable:                                                             800.000 frw

Total Budget: 4.700.000frw, being 5.000€



Attached documents:

Cooperation agreement


Follow-up of the project

Date:                October 2017
Name project: Project 73 – Bon Berger – Agriculture and livestock

General status:

All is progressing well.

Progress since last status report:

A. Banana plantation:

We have 120 small trees. This was not sufficient to feed all children: we bought 100 Extra trees and fertilizers.

B. Fruit trees:

Normally we buy fruit on the market. This is expensive; therefore the children get only fruit once per week. We rent a breeding place to plant fruit trees and make them grow.

C. Planting groundnuts: OK

D. Planting beans: OK

E. The cow
- building stable : OK
- prepare planting grasses: OK
- build a small house for the shepherd: OK

Financial status:

Payments done for following topics:

  • Working hours planting and follow-up cleanliness 
  • Seeds for oranges, avocados, mango’s, papayas and plums from Japan 
  • Seeds for arachides and working hours planting 
  • Seeds beans and working hours (planting, maintenance, weeding)
  • Purchase of the milk cow



Attached documents (pictures, reçu’s,…):




Clic on the image to see the whole album
