Vleugels van Hoop

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Nyangezi Congo 2022
Follow-up 2023







Location:                  Nyangezi, DR Congo

Project leadtime:  6 months

Requestor:            FURAHA SAKINA for Association des Jeunes Pour la Paix et  
                              l’Initiative de la Démocratie « AJPID »

Description of the project:

The mission is to produce bricks to reduce unemployment and fight banditry by creating income-generating activities and improving the living conditions of the youth.
The project also aims to bring down the market price through increased sales of bricks.


- Selling the baked bricks in local markets,
- Reducing unemployment by creating this income-generating activity,
- Reducing banditry and theft due to youth unemployment,
- Improvement of living conditions,
- Creation of new income-generating activities by the beneficiaries thanks to the
  production of bricks for the construction industry.


185 young adults aged between 18 and 35


Total funding 6.590€ of which :
     Local contribution from AJPID : 1.440 €
     Funds from Vleugels van Hoop: 5.150 €


- There are no risks that could hinder the implementation of the project, as the land used
  for the bricks is of good quality,
- the bricks are valued and in demand,
- the project is supported by the direct beneficiaries and the local authorities in
  the context of combating unemployment

Attached documents:

Detailed budget and bank account details


Follow-up of the project

Date:                    February 7th 2023
Name project:       Brickyard, Nyangezi, DR Congo

General status:
This project aims to manufacture bricks to reduce unemployment, fight banditry by creating income-generating activities and improve the living conditions of the youth.
This project also aims to regularise the market price and money circulation through the sale of bricks.

Progress since last status report:

After receiving the funds (November '22), AJPID carried out the following activities:
- recruitment of 2 trainers
- identification of the beneficiaries
- site preparation and purchase of materials for production.

In December, brick production started: mud preparation, fabrication, drying, setting up kilns for firing, installation of heating elements, lighting of fires for production of the bricks,....
During the first 3-month phase, 320.000 bricks were produced.
The quality was appreciated in the market and everything was sold.
Thanks to the support of Vleugels van Hoop, we have reduced unemployment among 185 youth in Nyangezi and their living conditions will improve with the continuation of this project.

Financial status:

5.150€ invested as follows:
4 bins of firewood, 50 moulds for making bricks, 100 jerry cans, 4 tanks, 50 overalls and 50 pairs of boots.


No problems have occurred during this 3-month period; the project is running as it should.

Other beneficiaries are requesting their integration into the project, to which we would like to respond by extending project No 127 to help other beneficiaries, in a different location.
We are applying for your support to accept this project.

Attached documents (pictures, receipts,…):

Pictures and receipt



Clic on the image to see the whole album
