Location: Okweta, Katine County, Soroti district - Uganda
Project leadtime: 6 months
Requestor: James Alemu on behalf of Hands for Children
Description of the project:
One of the ways to get income and food to support the children is through a pig project. Pigs are very adaptable, they do not need expensive food and equipment, only medicines. Pig farming provides quick returns.
There is good demand for pork everywhere as pork is cheaper than beef, making more people to go for pork other than beef.
As food we can use the crops we already grow. In addition to providing meat and income, it is also a source of manure for the gardens.
The children of the center will learn how to take care of pigs.
- Create a source of income and food to meet the needs of the center.
- Training the children on how to take care of the pigs.
The boys and girls in the Joy centre, vulnerable children and out of school children.
Budget: 6.177 Euro (23.980.000 Ush)
Little risk: pigs are easy to keep and give birth to 6 to 12 piglets twice a year.
Attached documents:
Follow-up of the project
Date: 20/10/2023
Name project: Piggery
General status:
The project offers opportunities for rearing pigs in a pigsty.
Six compartments (3.5 by 2.5 metres) were built and completed, as well as two areas to serve as food storage and rest areas for staff handling the pigs. The floors were dug up to 60 cm deep and compacted, bags of white lime were poured onto the foundation of each compartment and compacted to prevent worms from entering the pigsty. Then the foundation was filled with wood shavings and IMO (Indigenous Microorganism) to avoid stinking.
The pigs are fed twice a day, including additives for growth and strength. A mixture of green leaves is given daily at 9 am.
The pigsty is cleaned daily by the employees before feeding.
Progress since last status report:
The pigs have gotten bigger, and the bears are doing their job. When the pigs reach their maximum weight, they are sold to generate income and sustainable livelihoods for the children.
Soon the people of the community will get better pigs and poverty and deprivation among the people of the village community will reduce.
The Piggery project operates in an area with high levels of poverty and will provide the resources needed to support the children in terms of nutrition and payment for school materials.
The pig rearing process involves feeding them very well, cleaning the stable, monitoring the health of the animals and growing them to a weight of 50-80 kg and more so that they are ready for sale. Pigs also reproduce, so we no longer must buy piglets.
Financial status: 6.177 € (99.9% in accordance with budget)
Attached documents (pictures, receipts,…):
Photos, receipts
Clic on the image to see the whole album
