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Okweta Uganda 2024
Follow-up july 2024





Poultry project       

Location:               Okweta, Katine County, Soroti district - Uganda

Project leadtime: 6 months

Requestor:              James Alemu on behalf of Hands for Children

Description of the project:

The poultry project involves the production of eggs and their sale.
Poultry farming is one of the most lucrative agro-businesses. Eggs and poultry meat are consumed every day, but demand exceeds supply. It is easy to run and requires less costs. The project is expected to start with 300 laying hens. Broiler chickens are introduced after one year.
The chicken manure is packed in bags and used as feed for the pigs and as manure for the gardens to improve yields.


The proceeds from this project are intended as income for the new school, the Nursery School-Olocoi, which was founded in 2023. The teachers need teaching materials, the children need books, pens and pencils.


The children and teachers of the Nursery School.

Budget: 25.020.000 UGX - 6375 €



Attached documents:

Detailed budget


Follow-up of the project

Date:                    01/07/2024
Name project:      Poultry project

General status:

The project aims to support the education of vulnerable children and pays for their notebooks, pencils, teaching materials and teachers' salaries.
The chicken shelter is in good condition, easy to clean and manage.
Providing sufficient space for the comfort of the chickens is essential for optimal growth and egg-laying. The chickens are regularly treated and dewormed and once a week they are allowed outside to peck at grass and pebbles.
The project stocks plenty of food, medicine and wood shavings. There are solar-powered lamps. Syrup is added to the water to prevent diseases.

Progress since last status report:

During the previous visit the hens were still chicks with a weight of less than a quarter of a kilo and not laying eggs yet. Egg production has started by now.

Only workers enters the poultry house to prevent outbreaks of  diseases,
We supplement the daily diet with millet residues, sorghum residues, fresh grass and       potato peels.  We use a local recipe to fatten the chickens and home-made calcium for
egg production,
The chickens produce a considerable amount of waste, which ensures optimal manure

Financial status:

We received 4.923 € for the purchase of various project activities.



Attached documents (pictures, receipts,…):




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