Dormitory construction for homeless boys
Location: Soroti - Uganda
Project leadtime: 6 months
Requestor: James Alemu on behalf of Hands for Children
Description of the project:
Lot of vulnerable boys (orphans, homeless, abandoned children) live on the street or end up in criminal activities, drug abuse, etc... Very often boys from rural areas discontinue their studies because of non-availability of accommodation facilities at places where such educational schools are located. Therefore, the project is initiated with a view to facilitate continuation of education for boys, especially those hailing from rural and remote areas and from poor families.
The project aims at providing accommodation facilities to 50 boys to enable them to pursue primary and secondary education.
50 boys/children who are living on the street and who have been abandoned and neglected.
The total budget is 70.240.800 Uganda Shillings, being 17.560 €
- Inadequate control in the centre: supervision by volunteer staff.
- Lack of maintenance of the facilities : we’ll make sure all repairs and maintenance are done when relevant.
Attached documents:
Detailed budgeting
Extension project
Name project: Sanitary block boys – Hands4children
Project n°: 100 (extension)
Location: Okweta, Katine sub-county, Soroti district, Uganda
Project leadtime: 3 months
Requestor: James Alemu
Description of the project:
After the construction of the building for the boys, there is a need for a sanitary block for them.
Provide sanitary space (toilets, washing room)
The direct beneficiaries are the boys who will stay in the centre. A vulnerable group of mainly orphans, street children, working children and children from families at risk.
16.833.500 Uganda Shillings
Attached documents:
Detailed budget
Visit board Vleugels van Hoop october 2019
Date: October 29th 2019
Name project: Hands4children – Dormitory for boys
N° project: 100
General status:
- The buildings are completed.
- The solar panel is operational.
- The sanitary block for the girls is ready; the one for the boys has to be started.
Progress since last status report:
During the visit of the board on October 28th 2019 we visited the dormitory for the currently 17 boys, which soon will be extended with a sanitary block.
Financial status:
The funds needed for the sanitary block are transferred end of October.
There are needs for construction a small medical centre as well as for means to improve health care.
Attached documents (pictures, reçu’s,…):
Pictures of the board visit end of October 2019.
Clic here
Follow-up may 2020
Date: May 17th 2020
Name project: Sanitary block boys – Hands4children
General status:
The construction of the sanitary block for the boys is almost final. The remaining parts are painting, fixing the Sato pans and fixing the doors.
Progress since last status report:
The huge amount of rains end 2019 and in January caused floods in the area. Digging a septic tank difficult and dangerous as the walls of the septic tank could collapse and kill the diggers, standing 20 feet deep. Digging the tank failed twice (in November and in December) as by digging to a certain depth the water came up. It was time wasting and financially biting. A new attempt in February was successful, despite still heavy rains. The construction work as such went fast.
Financial status:
The provided budget of 4.316 € (16.833.500 Uganda Shillings) is almost fully used.
Floods which delayed the trenching of the septic tank with 3 months
Attached documents (pictures, reçu’s,…):
Clic on the image to see the whole album
