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Tuku Tuku CRVO
Follow-up october 2023






Tuku tuku project      

Location:               Kabale, Uganda

Project leadtime: 3 months

Requestor:            Leonard Tumwesigye for Children Rescue Voluntary Organisation (CRVO)

Description of the project:

Unemployment is one of the biggest challenges for children, young people and guardians and it affects households if left unaddressed.
Tukutuku/tricycle transportation project, the most effective and cheapest means of transportation, is an economic activity that generates income.
This project aims to encourage young people to support themselves by enabling them to develop practical skills and entrepreneurial skills so that they can start a small business.
This allows them to earn an income on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
The children (>16 years) receive road safety training for a week.
This project is self-sufficient.


  • Create employment for youths and other community members and provide a stable income.
  • Improve income in order to mitigate the hiked and doubled prices of school needs.
  • Access to affordable transport means even for hard to reach areas.


  • 40 young people, each supporting 5 members per family
  • Selected community members

Budget: 7.195 € (27.344.250 USh)


Little risk: a committee shall be constituted to ensure the implementation of the project and continued monitoring .Project staff will provide technical support in all this.  The monitoring will be carried out on a regular basis to ensure that the desired objectives are achieved.

Attached documents:



Follow-up of the project october 2023

Date:                          October 23rd 2023
Name project:           TukuTuku tricycles for transport

General status:

The tricycle project is an economic activity that generates income to maintain household income.
It is the cheapest means that is affordable by most of the people in terms of transportation. Transporting goods is the major activity of the three tricycles.

Progress since last status report:

Since this project started, it has proved to be one of the most enjoyable ventures whereby the beneficiaries at least earn some income daily, weekly and monthly.  The grown-up children continue to enjoy as they are hired to carry goods from one place to another. Apparently, three tricycles are benefiting two households as they use them in turns since they are very few.
There has been a steady progress in improving the social economic status of the beneficiaries as they are able to earn a living.
Some guards also have an income and can use this to compensate for the increased prices that still make life very challenging. Considering the bad economy and the taxes imposed on almost every product, there is a need to strengthen this project.

Financial status:

The budget of €7,195 was used to purchase three tricycles, fuel and insurance.


Despite the steady and promising progress, there are some challenges:
- Lack of sufficient three-wheelers in proportion to the large number of beneficiaries.
- Due to the poor economy, this is seen as an important project that is not been affected by taxes. Since there are only three tricycles, their lifespan cannot be long because they are constantly on the road and cannot meet the rising demand.
- Hiked prices that affect transport.
- Poor roads.

Attached documents (pictures, receipts,…):

Pictures, receipts



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