Production of rabbit - Zamuka - Rwanda
Location: Kibyagira, sector Uwinkingi, District Nyamagabe, Rwanda
Project lead time:4 years
Requestor: the association Zamuka Mutegarugori Genevieve UWIMANA
Description of the project:
The project includes the production of rabbit meat in the most economical way, using high-yielding varieties that are best suited to the climatic conditions of the district. Rabbit meat is an important protein intake, rabbits are very rich in protein (21%) and have a low fat content (10%).
The goal is to provide the meat on the local market, where there is a significant demand for rabbit meat and in order to improve the circuit between the members and the families of ZAMUKAMUTEGARUGORI Association and surrounding area.
The association Zamuka Mutegarugori and breeders in the sector Uwinkingi and surrounding areas, the Centre for disabled children in Kitabi.
3,975,500Frw (4550 euro)
General costs
no. |
Activity |
Amount |
Unit price |
Total price FrRw |
1. |
Building |
240 m2 |
3500 |
840.000 |
2. |
Ventilation |
ff |
200.000 |
3. |
Heating |
10 stères |
2500 |
15.000 |
4. |
Water - elektricity |
312,5Kwh |
160 |
50.000 |
5. |
Materiel : |
5.1. |
Cages with nesting boxes |
108 |
6500 |
702.000 |
5.2. |
Cages for male |
12 |
6500 |
78.000 |
5.3. |
Cages for fattening |
152 |
6500 |
988.000 |
6. |
Diverse |
ff |
37.500 |
7. |
Cost start-up |
ff |
450.000 |
8. |
Cost animals : |
8.1. |
Females |
108 |
5000 |
54.000 |
8.2. |
Males |
12 |
6250 |
75.000 |
Total |
3.975.500 |
Activities calendar
N° |
Activités |
Month |
O |
N |
D |
J |
F |
M |
1 |
Building and equipment |
x |
x |
2 |
Purchase materiel |
x |
x |
3 |
Purchase rabbits |
x |
4 |
Purchase food |
x |
x |
x |
x |
5 |
Furtilizers |
x |
x |
6 |
Prophylaxie |
x |
x |
x |
x |
7 |
Aery |
x |
x |
8 |
Sale |
x |
- natural hazards (climate change, natural disasters, ...)
- lack of funding for the start of the project
Attached documents:
Follow-up of the project
Date: 6/10/2016
General status:
- To prevent the risks and the danger of the location of the land we have chosen another location on advice of the veterinarian
- To prevent in-breeding we wanted males of Burundi, a better quality but more expensive. A dozen rabbits from the commune of Mabayi and Busasamana of the Republic of Burundi have arrived
- Food for rabbits is very rare, in this case we could purchase a huge amount
- The quantities of rabbits applied for were not available, we did a partial purchase in accordance with the opinion of the veterinarian
Progress since last status report:
The construction activities of phase I are for 80% realized, there remains the equipment of the cages, nest boxes, and the cage for the males. A temporary veterinarian meets twice a week. Each member of the Association receives two rabbits with which they can grow, once they have cages. The number of rabbits by 108 rabbits bred on the farm and 34 rabbits raised in households must increase, total 154. 142 female rabbits and 12 males rabbits.
Financial status:
Material and construction: 1.152.900 RwFr
Food : 125.000 RwFr
Veterinarian, vaccination : 56.000 RwFr
Rabbits : 427.000 RwFr
Total : 1.760.900 RwFr
Rabbits are very sensitive to bad circumstances
Attached documents (pictures, reçu’s,…):
Pictures, invoices
Follow-up december 2016
Date: 20/12/2016
Name project: n° 62 – production of rabbits - Zamuka
General status:
Rabbits are very sensitive to the conditions which makes the mortality rate in agriculture is higher than for other species. The association has known problems of disease, stillbirth and climate changes.
Transportation during the start of the project is one of the leading causes of death.
Progress since last status report:
Required hygienic program:
- Clean and regular disinfection of the equipment and buildings
- Remove dead animals
- Isolating sick animals
- Evaluate breeders
- Avoid stress and infection by staff or by unwanted visitors
- Estimate other possible infections
- Analyse regularly the composition of the food and the bacteriological water quality.
Precautions on the occasion of the visit by the vet: vaccinate, medications, observe and follow up of food and hygiene, quarantine of recently acquired rabbits, limit unannounced visit.
Current situation: male: 13 and female: 84
Financial status:
Material : 317100 RwFr
Rabbits : 48000 RwFr
Veterinarian : 200000 RwFr
Aliment : 625000 RwFr
Medicine : 79500 RwFr
Transport and communication : 85000 RwFr
Guard : 45000 RwFr
Total : 1399600 RwFr
Diseases due to poor hygiene, dead rabbits.
Follow-up may 2017
Before visiting the rabbits we first took a look at the potato harvest (project 58) under guidance of Géneviève, the local responsible of the project and Thérèse, the chairwoman of the association Zamuka. The storage location for the plant potatoes was impressive: large racks on which the potatoes were nicely spread, all very decent and fresh. All members of the association receive plant potatoes so that each can plant potatoes in its own little garden. We also visited the potato fields on which two different kinds of potatoes are grown, on one of the fields peas are cultivated between the potatoes.
For the visit to the rabbits we were warmly welcomed with song and dance by the women of the Zamuka association. Here too, we were pleasantly surprised by the preparation of the rabbit hutches: a large number of lofts in two rows above each other, well separated, beautifully finished and very clean. By illness a lot of rabbits died but the necessary actions were taken. The outlook is consequently very well to go on growing with the remaining rabbits.
A very nice result through the efforts of all women of the association Zamuka!
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